Briefing about the book:
Consists of about 1100 introductory briefings on evaluation concepts
of interdisciplinary nature encompassing the areas of education, psychology,
statistics, physical sciences, language, literature, and so on. The
criteria used for identifying the terms are contents, methods, and purposes
of evaluation. The introductory briefings are presented in an encyclopedic form.
Each one of them is equipped with illustrative examples. Terms of synonymous concepts are given in
parenthesis. Differences in meaning if any, are cited from authoritative
sources. For certain entries, figures and tables of computations are
incorporated. Worked-out examples of item and test analysis are
provided in the appendices.
The list of evaluation terms introduced through this work is provided in the preliminary
part along with abbreviations, figures, tables, etc. Bibliographical resources are provided
at the end. It is a good reference material to all those associated with the
educational process, more specifically the teachers, question setters,
examiners, and teacher-learners of training colleges, in addition to those with
various boards of examination, and agencies of