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Allen, J.P.B., and Alan Davies (eds.).
"Testing and experimental methods: The edinburgh course in applied linguistics". vol. 4.
London: Oxford University Press, 1977, x + 233.  Summary 

Anastasi, Anne.
"Psychological testing (3rd ed.)".
NewYork: The Macmillan Ltd., 1968, xiii + 665.  Summary 

Association of Indian Universities.
"Monograph on test and item analysis for universities".
New Delhi: AIU Publications, 1977, v + 256.  Summary 

Bachman, Lyle F., and Palmer Adrain S.
'The construct validation of some components of communicative proficiency'.
TESOL Quarterly, 16, 4, (1982), 449-65.  Summary 

Boyle, Joseph P.
'Intelligence, reasoning and language proficiency'.
Modern Language Journal, 71, 3, (1987), 277-88.  Summary 

Carroll, Brendan J., and Patrick J. Hall.
"Make your own language tests: a practical guide to writing language performance tests".
The Hague: Pergamon Press Ltd. 1985.  Summary 

Clark, John L.D.
"Foreign language testing: theory and practice".
Philadelphia: Centre for Curriculum Development, (1972), vi + 174.  Summary 

Davies, Alan.
"Communicative language testing".
Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1, (1985), 22-23.  Summary 

Ebel, R.L.
"Essentials of educational measurement". (3rd ed.)
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc: 1979, xi + 388.  Summary 

Fink, A., and J. Kosecoff.
"An evaluation primer."
Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1978.  Summary 

Gronlund, N. E.
"Measurement and evaluation in teaching" (3rd edn.).
NewYork: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1976, x + 590.  Summary 

Henning, Grant.
"A guide to language testing : development, evaluation research".
Cambridge: New Bury House Publishers, Inc. 1987, vii + 198.  Summary 

Ingram, Elizabeth.
'Language testing'.
"The Edinburgh Course in Applied Linguistics": 3, 1974.  Summary 

Jones, Randall L., and Bernard Spolsky (eds.).
"Testing language proficiency":
Arlington: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1976, v + 146.  Summary 

Kannan, Lakshmi.
'Literary evaluation '.
Journal of Tamil studies, 15, (1979), 55-61.  Summary 

Lado, Robert.
"Language testing: the construction and use of foreign language tests".
London: Longmans, Green, 1961, 389.  Summary 

Mehrens, William A., and Irvin J. Lehmann.
"Measurement and evaluation in education and psychology".
NewYork: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1973.  Summary 

Narasimha Rao, K.V.V.L.
"Evaluation in language education".
Mysore: CIIL, 1980, 183.  Summary 

Natarajan, V., and S.P. Kulshreshta.
"Assessing non-scholastic aspects of learners behaviour".
New Delhi: Association of Indian Universities , 1983, viii + 129.  Summary 

Nitko, Anthony J.
"Educational tests and measurement: an introduction".
NewYork: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1983, xiii + 674.  Summary 

Nunnally, J. C.
"Educational measurement and evaluation " (2nd ed.).
NewYork: Mc Graw - Hill Book Co., 1972, x+598.  Summary 

Oller, John W. Jr., and Kyle Perkins.
"Language in education: testing the tests".
Rowley, Mas: New bury House, 1978, x + 142.  Summary 

Pimsleur, Paul.
'Testing foreign language learning'.
In valdman Albert (ed.) "Trends in language teaching".
NewYork: Mc Graw- Hill, Inc. 1966, 175-214.  Summary 

Rajaram, S.
"An intensive course in Tamil" (Reprint).
[CIIL intensive course series] Mysore: CIIL, 1990, xxiv + 844.  Summary 

Singh, Pritam (ed.).
"Evaluation at the elementary stage: a book of readings".
New Delhi: NCERT, 1986, xii + 327.  Summary 

Skehan, Peter.
'Language testing'. Parts I and II (State-of-the art articles).
Language Testing, 21, 4, 1988, and 21, 1, 1989 respy.  Summary 

Srivastava, H.S.
"Examination reforms in India ".
Paris: UNESCO, 1979, 100.  Summary 

Subbiah, Pon.
"Evaluation and testing : an introduction to terminology"(experimental edition).
Mysore: CIIL: 1990, 222.  Summary 

Thirumalai, M.S.
'eervugal' (examnmations)
In M.S. Thirumalai. "Mozhi karpittal" (Tamil)
Madras: Manivaasagar Nuulagam, 1978, 428 - 256.  Summary 

Thorndike, Robert L., and Elizabeth Hagen.
"Perspectives in measurement and evaluation: a study guide".
(Prepared by Daniel J. Muller).
NewYork: John Wiley & sons, Inc., 1977, viii + 153.  Summary 

Upshur, J.A.
'Cross-cultural testing : what to test'.
Language Learning, 16, 3/4, (1966), 183-96.  Summary 

Valette, Rebecca M.
"Modern language testing: a hand book".
NewYork: Harcourt, Brace & world, 1977, xvi + 200.  Summary 

Viswanathan, K.
'Optimum time for an objective test'.
System, 15,3, (1987), 335-338.  Summary 

Wilkinson, Andrew., Gillian Barnsley., et al.
"Assessing language development".
Oxford: Oxford University press, 1980, x + 246.  Summary 

Williams, David.
'Developing criteria for textbook evaluation'.
ELT Journal, 37, 3, (1983), 251-255.  Summary 

Zeidner, Moshe.
'Are English language aptitude tests biased towards culturally different minority groups? Some Israeli  findings'.
Language Testing, 3, 1, (1986), 80-98.  Summary 

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