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Theoretical References - Research Articles



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SNo. Articles/Books/Chapters Authors Publishers/Journals Year
1.50 tests in essential EnglishPryse, B.Elizabeth.Oxford: Basis Blackwell Publisher Ltd.1983

2.A behavioural anchoring analysis of three ESL reading comprehension tests.Perkins, Kyle., and Sheila R. Brutten.TESOL Quarterly.1988

3.A collection of old questions/items used for testing Indian Languages as L2 (18 volumes in 13 languages)- in cyclostyled form.Evaluation and Testing Unit of the CIIL.Mysore: CIIL.1988

4.A comparison of ESL students ability in four language modes: oral composing, independent writing, story re-telling and reading.Froese, Victor.TESL Canada Journal.1987

5.A comparison of language proficiency tests.Bowen, J. Donald.Work Papers in TESL.1976

6.A comparison of some common types of language tests.Marsden, Robert., and Nick Underhill.Journal of Applied Language Study.1982

7.A conceptual approach to assessing bilingualism in children entering school.Holloman, John W.TESOL Quarterly.1977

8.A consideration of the meaning of discuss in examination questions.Dudley-Evans, Tony.ELT Documents.1988

9.A construct definition study of a standardised ESL vocabulary test.Perkins, Kyle., and Steven E. Linnville.Language Testing.1987

10.A course in testing and evaluation for ESP, or How bad were my tests?Alderson, J. Charles., and Alan Waters.Lancaster Practical Papers in English Language Education.1982

11.A criterion-referenced measurement approach to ESL achievement testing.Hudson, Thom., and Brain Lynch.Language Testing.1984

12.A Critique of some indices of syntactic maturity.O'Donnell, Roy C.Research in the Teaching of English.1976

13.A general psychological approach to foreign language learning ability.Esser, Ulrich.Deutsch als Fremdsprache.1982

14.A guide for advanced learners of TamilPillai, N. Nadaraja.Mysore: CIIL.1986

15.A guide to language testing: development, evaluation research.Henning, Grant.Cambridge: New Bury House Publishers.1987

16.A hand book on language evaluation. (Monograph Series-1)Clark, John L.D., C.H.K. Misra., and et al.Mysore: CIIL.1973

17.A history of dictation in foreign language teaching and testing.Stansfield, Charles W.Modern Language Journal1985

18.A look at cloze testing across languages and levels.Briere, E.J., and others.Modern Language Journal.1978

19.A multiple choice for language testers.Spolsky, Bernard.Language Testing1986

20.A multiple probe in second-language acquisition research.Kruse, Heleen., and others.Studies in Second Language Acquisition.1987

21.A national survey of Spanish language testing for placement or outcome assessment of B.A. granting institutions in the United States.Wherritt, Irene., and Anne Cleary T.Foreign Language Annals1990

22.A new examination of examinations.Montogomery, Robert.London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd.1978

23.A practical approach to assessing bilingualism in young Mexican-American children.Holloman, John W.TESOL Quarterly.1976

24.A practical introduction to measurement and evaluation.Remmers, H.H., N.L.Gage., et al.Delhi: Universal Book stall.1967

25.A proposal for testing the knowledge of English grammar in secondary schools.Skalava, Eva.Cizi jazyky ve skole1972

26.A rationale for the cloze procedure.Foley, Joseph A.ITL1984

27.A Sampler on sampling.Williams, B.NewYork : John Wiley1978

28.A self-rating scale of English difficulty: Rasch scalar analysis of items and rating categories.Davidson, Fred., and Grant Henning A.Language Testing.1985

29.A SGAV approach to individualisation, autonomy and contextualisation through macro simulation.Heras, R., and M Regan.Revue de Phonetique Appliquee.1985

30.A study of foreign language achievements and personality variables in 15-year old pupils.Scheibner-Herzig, G., and others.ITL1984

31.A study of the statistical foundations of group conversation tests in spoken English.Liski, Erkki., and Simo Puntanen.Language Learning.1983

32.A survey of English language examinations.Simmonds, Paul.ELT Journal1985

33.A survey of research on the C-test.Klein-Braley, Christine., and Ulrich, Raatz.Language Testing.1984

34.A Systematic approach to the testing of language and literature - Book I : Conceptual frameworkSubbiah, PonMysore : CIIL1996

35.A systematic approach to the testing of language and literature : Book II - Practical realisation part II : Aspect-wise item models for mastery testing in language.Subbiah, Pon (ed.)Mysore : CIIL1996

36.A systematic approach to the testing of language and literature : Book II - Practical realisation volume I part I terminology parallels of the GFRs for developing MILES.Subbiah, Pon (ed.)Mysore : CIIL1996

37.A systematic approach to the testing of language and literature : Book II - Practical realisation part III: Aspect-wise item models for mastery testing in literature.Subbiah, Pon (ed.)Mysore : CIIL1996

38.A systematic approach to the testing of language and literature : Book II - Practical realisation part IV: Trait-wise item models for personality testing through language.Subbiah, Pon (ed.)Mysore : CIIL1996

39.A systematic approach to the testing of language and literature : Book II - Practical realisation part V: Trait-wise item models for personality testing through literature.Subbiah, Pon (ed.)Mysore : CIIL1996

40.A test for non-native comprehension of intonation in English.Cruz-Ferreira, Madalena.IRAL.1989

41.A theoretical contribution to ESL diagnostic test construction.Blatchford, C.H.TESOL Quarterly.1971

42.ABNI BOLI: Tamil-Levels 1,2 & 3.Gnanasundaram, V., and et al.Mysore: CIIL.1975

43.Academic demands related to listening skills.Powers, Donald E.Language Testing.1986

44.Acculturation and second language learning: Use of comics to measure the degree of acculturation.Takashima, Hideyuki.IRAL1987

45.Achievement and proficiency: the missing link?Hughes, Arthur.ELT Documents.1988

46.Administration of group intelligence tests to East African pupils.Vernon, Philip E.British Journal of Educational Psychology1967

47.Adult Literacy and Language Testing. In G. Sambasiva Rao (ed.) Literacy Methodology.Viswanatham, K.CIIL Adult Literacy Series-31979

48.Advances in language testing.Spolsky, Bernard. (ed.).Arlington, Virginia : Center for Applied Linguistics1978

49.Advantages of latent trait measurement in language testing.Henning, Grant.Language Testing.1984

50.Aids and tests in the teaching of English as a second language.Oxford University.London: Oxford University.1956

51.Aims, objectives and assessment (examinations and essays) or the advert for the show and how you pay at the exit.Gautherot, Jean-Marie.Francois dans le Monde.1978

52.An alternative approach to oral proficiency testing: the practical examination.Blue, Walter., and others.French Review.1984

53.An alternative to multiple choice vocabulary tests.Meara, Paul., and Buxton, Barbara.Language Testing.1987

54.An ESL index of development.Larsen-Freeman, Diane.TESOL Quarterly.1978

55.An evaluation of integrated service English teaching.Siegel, Jeff., and Lilia S. Dube.ELT Journal1982

56.An evaluation of the noise test: a method for testing overall second language proficiency by perception under masking noise.Johansson, Stig.IRAL.1973

57.An evaluation primer.Fink, A., and J.Kosecoff.Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.1978

58.An experimental integrative test of English grammar.Bowen, J. Donald.Work Papers in TESL.1975

59.An Intensive Course in Assamese.Baruah, P.N. Dutta.Mysore: CIIL.1980

60.An Intensive Course in Bengali.Bhattacharaya, Krishna., and A.K. Basu.Mysore: CIIL.1981

61.An Intensive course in Gujarati.Nair, Usha.Mysore: CIIL.1991

62.An Intensive Course in Kannada.Halemane, Lingadevaru., and M.N. Leelavathi.Mysore: CIIL.1983

63.An Intensive Course in Kashmiri.Koul, Omkar N.Mysore: CIIL.1985

64.An Intensive course in Malayalam.Kumari, B.Syamala.Mysore: CIIL.1981

65.An Intensive Course in Marathi.Chitnis, Vijaya.Mysore: CIIL.1979

66.An Intensive Course in Oriya.Mohanty, Bijayalaxmi.Mysore: CIIL.1989

67.An Intensive course in Punjabi.Bhatia, Motia.Mysore: CIIL.1985

68.An Intensive course in Sindhi.Lekhwani, Kanhaiyalal.Mysore: CIIL.1987

69.An intensive course in Tamil. Reprint.Rajaram, S.Mysore: CIIL.1990

70.An Intensive course in Telugu.Ramanarasimham, P.Mysore: CIIL.1985

71.An Intensive course in Urdu.Zaidi, Shamshad.Mysore : CIIL1992

72.An investigation of the construct validity of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines and oral interview procedure.Dandonoli, Patricia., and Grant Henning.Foreign Language Annals.1990

73.An item discriminability study of textually explicit, textually implicit, and scriptally implicit questions.Perkins, Kyle., and Sheila R. Brutten.RELC Journal.1988

74.An objective test of pronunciation for large classes.Dobbyn, Michael.ELT Journal.1976

75.An outline proposal for testing communicative competence.Levine, Josie.ELT Journal.1976

76.Analysis of native speaker performance of a cloze test.Lado, Robert.Language Testing.1986

77.Another turn in the conversation, what does cloze measure?Jonz, Jhon.TESOL Quarterly.1990

78.Applying norm-referenced and criterion-referenced measurement in education.Martuza, Victor R.Boston: Allyn and Bacon.1977

79.Approaches to faculty evaluation for ESL.Pennington, Martha C., and Aileen L.Young.TESOL Quarterly.1989

80.Approaches to self assessment in foreign language learning.Oskarsson, Mats.NewYork: Pergamon Press.1980

81.Are cloze items sensitive to constraints across sentences?Chihara, Tetsuro, John Oller., and et al.Language Learning.1977

82.Are English language aptitude tests biased towards culturally different minority groups? Some Israeli findings.Zeidner, Moshe.Language Testing1986

83.Are we really measuring proficiency with our foreign language tests.Briere, Eugene J.Foreign Language Annals.1971

84.Assessing college students ability to write compositions.Cohen, Arthur M.Research in the Teaching of English.1973

85.Assessing language development.Wilkinson, Andrew., Gillian Barnsley., and et al.Oxford : Oxford University press1980

86.Assessing language skills in infancy.Bzoch, Kenneth R., and Richard League.Baltimore: University Park Press.1971

87.Assessing non-scholastic aspects of learners behaviour.Natarajan, V., and S.P.Kulshreshta.New Delhi: Association of Indian Universities.1983

88.Assessing oral proficiency: some practical considerations.Ervin, Gerard L.Russian Language Journal.1980

89.Assessing students appraising teaching.Clift, John C., and Bradford W. Imrie.London: Croom Helm Ltd.1981

90.Assessment in higher education.Heywood, John.London: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.1977

91.Assessment in special and remedial education.Salivia, John., and James E. Ysseldyke.Boston: Houghton Mifflin company.1978

92.Assessment in the modern class room: keeping track of teaching.Black, Harry., and Patricia Broad Foot.London: Routeledge and Kegan Paul.1982

93.Assessment of children's Intelligence and Special Abilities. (2nd ed.)Sattler, Jerome M.Boston, Massachusetts : Allyn and Bacon, Inc.1982

94.Assessment of delinquency.Mukerji, Kamal., and Moitrayee Basu.New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd.1980

95.Assessment of oral performance in modern languages at ordinary level.Willig, Peter.Modern Languages1982

96.Assessment of psychometric invariance of the Wechsler adult intelligence scales (WAIS)Puhan, Biranchi.N.New Delhi: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.1979

97.Assessment procedures of oral second language proficiency: spontaneous speech vs. elicitation data.Verhoeven, Ludo Th., and Vermeer Arine.Inter-language studies Bulletin1984

98.Authentic language tests: where from and where to?Shohamy, Elana., and Thea Reves.Language Testing1985

99.Bankson language screening test (BLST).Bankson, Nicholas.London: University park press.1977

100.Barron's how to prepare for the graduate record examination.Brounstein., and Weiner.Barron's Educational Series.1981

101.Barron's How to prepare for the TOEFL.Sharpe, Pamela J.New Delhi : Galgotia Publications1982

102.Basic concerns in test validation.Palmer, Adrain S., and Lyle F. Bachman.ELT Documents.1981

103.Beyond the language classroom a study of communicative abilities in adult immigrants following intensive instruction.D'Anglejan, Alison., and others.TESOL Quarterly.1986

104.Children's understanding and cultural factors in reading test performance.Hannon, Peter., and Joe, Mc. Nally.Educational Review.1986

105.Classroom and workshop tested games, puzzles and activities for the elementary school.Kinghorn, Harriet.NewYork: Parker Publishing Company.1975

106.Classroom based assessment - why and how?Lee, Barbara.British Journal of Language Teaching.1989

107.Cloze after thirty years: new uses in language teaching.Soudek, Miluse., and Lev I. Soudek.ELT Journal1983

108.Cloze procedure and comprehension: an exploratory study across three languages.Grundin, Hans U., Brother L.C and et al.Journal of Research in Reading.1981

109.Cloze procedure and equivalence.Porter, D.Language Learning.1978

110.Cloze testing of second language learners.Wainman, H.ELT Journal1979

111.Cloze tests of second language proficiency and what they measure.Oller, J.W.Language Learning.1973

112.Cognition and reading: cognitive levels as embodied in test questions.Alderson, J. Charles., and Yasmeen, Lukmani.Reading in foreign Languages.1989

113.Collecting and analysing student evaluations of foreign language course.Chaplen, E.F.ELT Journal.1980

114.Colourless green ideas: multiple-choice vocabulary tests.Hutchings, Geoffrey.ELT Journal.1970

115.Communication strategies and the evaluation of communicative performance.Ellis, Rod.ELT Journal.1984

116.Communication: how to evaluate it.Canale, Michael.Bulletin of the CAAL.1981

117.Communicative evaluation with particular reference to self-evaluation.Scott, Roger.Bulletin CILA1984

118.Communicative language testing.Davies, Alan.Journal of Applied Linguistics.1985

119.Communicative language testing.Davies, Alan.ELT Documents.1988

120.Communicative syllabus design.Munby, J.L.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1978

121.Components of engineering-English reading ability?Brown, James Dean.System.1988

122.Comprehension questions: about face!Whitaker, S.F.ELT Journal1983

123.Comprehension testing as semantics plus induction.Mohan, Bernard A.Linguistics.1973

124.Comprehensions and interpretations.Urquhart, A.H.Reading in a Foreign Language1987

125.Comprehensive assessment of language proficiency and achievement among learners of English as a foreign language.Henning, Grant., and others.TESOL Quarterly.1981

126.Computer-assisted language testing.Davies, Alan.CALICO Journal.1984

127.Computerised adaptive language testing, moving beyond computer assisted testing.Larson, Jerry W., and Harold S. Madsen.CALICO Journal.1985

128.Computer-mediated testing: a branched programme achievement test.Boyle, Thomas A., and et al.Modern Language Journal.1976

129.Concerning the diagnosis and remedying of lack of competence in a second language.Traill, A.Language Learning1968

130.Constructing evaluation instruments.Furst, Edward J.NewYork: David McKay Co.1958

131.Context in reading and listening: variations in approach to cloze tasks.Neville, Mary H., and A.K.Pugh.Reading Research Quarterly.1977

132.Contextualized vocabulary Tests - 1 & 2.Hill, L.A.London: Oxford University Press.1970

133.Conversational cloze as a measure of oral ability.Hughes, Arthur.ELT Journal.1981

134.Conversational cloze tests and conversational ability.Brown, David.ELT Journal.1983

135.Conversational cloze tests for advanced learners.Lennon, Paul.ELT Journal.1989

136.Conversational cloze.Hughes, Arthur.Studi Itallandi linguistic ed Applicata.1980

137.Course in evaluation methodology and examination - basic level: lessons.Association of Indian Universities.New Delhi: AIU Publications.1985

138.Course in evaluation methodology and examinations - special professional / advanced level: lessons.Association of Indian Universities.New Delhi: AIU Publications.1987

139.Course in evaluation methodology and examinations-intermediate level: lessons.Association of Indian Universities.New Delhi: AIU Publications.1986

140.Criteria for the evaluation of news stories.Viswanatham, K.Gaveshana (Telugu)1988

141.Criteria of status evaluation in India.Malik, S.C (ed.).Simla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study.1977

142.Criterion referenced measurement.Popham, W. James.Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.1978

143.Criterion referenced testing.Singh, Pritam.New Delhi : NCERT1983

144.Cross-cultural pragmatics and the testing of communicative competence.Olshtain, Elite., and Shoshana Blum-Kulka.Language Testing.1985

145.Cross-cultural testing: what to test.Upshur, J.A.Language Learning1966

146.Current developments in language testing.Hughes, Arthur., and Don Porter (eds.).London: Academic Press.1983

147.Current research on an integrative test of English grammar.Bowen, J. Donald.RELC Journal.1976

148.Current trends in second language testing.Briere, Eugene J.TESOL Quarterly.1969

149.Curriculum evaluation in schools.Mc Cormick, Robert., and Mary James.London: Croom Helm Ltd.1983

150.Curriculum evaluation: units 16, 20 and 21.Jenkins, David., et al.Milton Keynes: The Open University Press.1976

151.Derivational complexity and item difficulty in a sentence repetition task.Perkins, Kyle., Sheila R.Brutten., and et al.Language Learning.1986

152.Design and three-item paradigms.Denham, Particia A.ELT Journal.1974

153.Determining the reliability, validity, and scalability of the graduated dictation test.Fouly, Kamal A., Gary A. Cziko.Language Learning.1985

154.Developing a measure of sociocultural competence, the case of apology.Cohen, Andrew D., and Elite Olshtain.Language Learning.1981

155.Developing criteria for textbook evaluation.Williams, David.ELT Journal1983

156.Development and disorders of written language: Vol. I: Picture story language test.Myklebust, Helmer R.NewYork: Grune and Stratton.1965

157.Diagnostic evaluation and remediation for effective learning.Singh, Pritam.New Delhi : NCERT1986

158.Diagnostic testing of the intelligibility of Thai and Japanese speakers of English as a foreign language.Murray, D.E.Working papers of the Speech and Language Research Centre.1982

159.Dictation as a device for testing foreign-language proficiency.Oller Jhon W. Jr.ELT Journal.1971

160.Dictation as a measure of communicative competence in French as a second language.Savignon, Sandra J.Language Learning1982

161.Dictation: a test of grammar-based expectancies.Oller, Jhon W., and Virginia Streiff.ELT Journal.1975

162.Dictionaries and test of EFL reading comprehension.Bensoussan, Marsha.ELT Journal.1983

163.Direct evaluation of second-language proficiency: the effect of rater and scale in oral interview.Mullen, Karen A.Language Learning.1978

164.Discourse analysis in language testing.Shohamy, Elana.Annual Review of Applied Linguistics1990

165.Discrepancy identification tests: an exercise in concentrated listening.Pedley, Alan.Modern Languages.1988

166.Distrartor efficiency in foreign-language testing.Goodrich, Hubbard C.TESOL Quarterly.1977

167.Do learner variables affect cloze correlations?Ilyin, Donna., and others.System.1987

168.Do you understand? can listening comprehension be measured?Antier, Maurice.Langues Modernes.1985

169.Does the testing method make a difference? The case of reading comprehension.Shohamy, Elana.Language Testing1984

170.Educational and psychological measurement and evaluation. (sixth ed.).Hopkins, Kenneth D., and Julian C. Stanley.New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.1981

171.Educational evaluationPopham, W.James.Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.1975

172.Educational evaluation: theory and practice. (2nd edn.)Patel, R.N.Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House.1985

173.Educational measurement and evaluation (2nd ed.).Nunally, J.C.NewYork: McGraw-Hill.1972

174.Educational measurement.Lindeman, R.H.Bombay: D.B. Taraporevala Sons and Co. Pvt. Ltd.1971

175.Educational measurement.Lindquist, E.F (ed.).Washington: American Council on Education.1951

176.Educational tests and measurement: an introduction.Nitko, Anthony J.NewYork: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.1983

177.Effects of test disclosure on performance on the test of English as a foreign language.Hale, Gordon A., Paul J. Angelis., and et al.Language Testing.1983

178.Elementary statistics: an applied approach.Ullman, N.R.NewYork : John Wiley1978

179.English language proficiency and prediction of academic success.Graham, Janet C.TESOL Quarterly.1987

180.English tests and reviews: a monograph consisting of the English sections of the seventh mental measurements year books. (1938-72) and tests in print II (1974).Buros, Oscar Krisen.New Jersey: The Gryphon Press.1975

181.Error evaluation: the importance of view point.Davies, Eirlys E.ELT Journal.1983

182.ESL expectations in examining: the problem of English as a foreign language and English as a mother tongue.Davies, Alan.Language Testing.1984

183.Essentials of educational measurement.Ebel, R.L.Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall Inc.1979

184.Essentials of psychological testing. (2nd ed.).Cronbach, L.J.NewYork: Harper and Row Publishers.1960

185.Ethnography in educational evaluation.Fetterman, David M. (ed.)New Delhi: Sage Publications.1984

186.Evaluating a computer-adaptive ESL placement test.Madsen, Harold S.CALICO Journal.1986

187.Evaluating action programmes: readings in social action and education.Weiss, C.H.Boston : Alleyn & Bacon1972

188.Evaluating books for children and young people.Huus, Helen (ed.).Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association.1968

189.Evaluating communicative competence in a school environment.Mothe, Jean-Claude.Francais dans le monde.1981

190.Evaluating curriculum proposals: A critical guide.Anderson, Digby C.London: Croom Helm Ltd.1981

191.Evaluating educational television and radio.Bates, Tony, and John Robinson (eds.).Milton Keynes, U.K.: The open University Press.1977

192.Evaluating foreign language competence using content analytic indicators.Schwibbe, Gudrun., and others.Die Neueren Sprachen1985

193.Evaluating information: A guide for users of social science research.Katzer, J., K.H. Cook., and et al.Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.1978

194.Evaluating instructionPopham, W.James.New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.1973

195.Evaluating spoken English: a new approach to the testing of Listening comprehension.Emery, Peter G.ELT Journal.1980

196.Evaluating student achievement: In Peter F. Oliva (1969), The teaching of foreign languages.Oliva, Peter F.Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice-Hall.1969

197.Evaluating students progress in language learning.Gommes-Judge, Anne.Audio-Visual Language Journal.1967

198.Evaluating teaching effectiveness-a practical guide.Braskamp., Larry A., Dale C. Brandenburg and et al.London: Sage Publications.1984

199.Evaluating the Foreign Language Programme: In Peter F. Oliva, The teaching of foreign language.Oliva, Peter F.Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice-Hall Inc.1969

200.Evaluation and testing: an introduction to terminology.Subbiah, Pon.Mysore : CIIL1990

201.Evaluation at the elementary stage: a book readings.Singh, Pritam. (ed.)New Delhi : NCERT1986

202.Evaluation Basics: A practitioner's manual.Kosecoff, Jacqueline B., and Arlene Fink.California: Sage Publications.1982

203.Evaluation in language education.Narasima Rao, K.V.V.L.Mysore: CIIL.1980

204.Evaluation in the context of a communicative approach.Roe, P.Revue de Phonetique Appliquee.1982

205.evaluation of diagnostic systems : methods from signal detection theorySwebs, Jhon A., and Ronald M. Pickett.NewYork Academic Press, Inc.1982

206.Evaluation of institutionalised varieties of English and its implications for placement and pedagogy.Kenkel, James M., and Richard W. Tucker.World Englishes.1989

207.Evaluation of oral comprehension.Harding, Ann., and Francois Weiss.Francais dans le monde.1979

208.Evaluation of teacher education programmes in reading.Ransom, Grayce A. (ed.).Delaware: International Reading Association.1973

209.Evaluation of teaching of English to German children of pre-school Age.Schmid-Schonbein, Gisela.ELT Journal1980

210.Evaluation of the Bangalore Project.Beretta, Alan., and Alan Davies.ELT Journal.1985

211.Evaluation of the foreign language programme: In Grittner, Frank M., Teaching Foreign Languages.Grittner, Frank M.London: Harper and Row Publishers.1969

212.Evaluation of theories on child grammars.Geest, Ton Vander.The Hague: Mouton and Co. N.V. Publishers.1974

213.Evaluation research and practice: comparative and international perspectives.Levine, Robert A., Marian A. Soloman., and et al.London: Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.1981

214.Evaluation research methods: A basic guide.Rutman, L. (ed.)Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.1977

215.Evaluation research: methods for assessing programme effectiveness.Weiss, C.H.Englewood Cliffs, N.J : Prentice Hall1972

216.Evaluation studies review annual Vol. 11.Cordray, David S., and Mark W. Lipsey (eds.).Beverly Hills (California): Sage Publications.1987

217.Evaluation Studies: Review Annual. Vol. 7.House, Ernest R., and Associates (eds.).London: Sage Publications.1982

218.Evaluation: A systematic approach (2nd ed.).Rossi, P.H., and H.E.Freeman.Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.1982

219.Evaluation: In Theodore Huebener, (1969), How to teach foreign language effectively. (Revised & 2nd print).Huebener, Theodore.NewYork: NewYork University Press.1969

220.Evaluative research: Principles and practice in public service and social action programmes.Suchman, E.A.NewYork : Russell, Sage1967

221.Examination reforms in India.Srivastava, H.S.Paris : UNESCO1979

222.Examinations and English education.Wiseman, Stephen (ed.).Manchester : Manchester University Press1961

223.Examining examination papers.Swales, John.English Language Research Journal1982

224.Examining the spoken English of students of European business studies: purposes, problems and perspectives.Alexander, Richard.System.1988

225.Experiences in language. (tools and techniques for language arts methods)Petty, Walter T., Dorothy C.Petty., and et al.Allyn and Baycon.1976

226.Experimental design: Procedures for the behavioural sciences.Kirk, R.E.Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.1968

227.Field independence: a source of language test variance?Chapelle, Carol.Language Testing.1988

228.Field notes on cross-cultural testing.Seelye, H.Ned.Language Learning1966

229.Finding the level of foreign language knowledge necessary for reading professional texts.Duskova, Libuse., and Eduard Benes.Bulletin of the University.1967

230.Foreign language proficiency testing: a selected, annotated guide to standardised instruments, rating scales and literature.Rossi, Gary J.French Review.1983

231.Foreign language programme evaluation: In Emma M.Birkmail, Foreign language education.Hatfield, William N.Illinois: National Textbook Co.1976

232.Foreign language testing in the United States.Clark, John L.D.Audio-Visual Language Journal.1971

233.Foreign language testing: a current view.Whiteson, Valerie.ELT Journal1981

234.Foreign language testing: Specialised bibliography-1. (2nd ed.).Trim, J.L. Trim., and J.A.Price. (eds.)London : Centre for information1981

235.Foreign language testing: theory and practice.Clark, John L.D.Philadelphia: Centre for Curriculum Development.1972

236.Foreign language tests: tests, tests of knowledge, tests of savoir faire.Schwarz, Michael P.M.Francais dans Monde1981

237.Foreign languages in the national curriculum: what to teach and how to test? a proposal for the languages task group.Neil, Derek.Modern Languages.1989

238.Formative assessment of student performance: the role of self-appraisal.Rea, Pauline M.Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics.1981

239.From achievement through proficiency through classroom instruction: some caveats.Schulz, Renate A.Modern Language Journal1986

240.From school to university: language policy and performance at the University of Khartoum.Douglas, Dan.International Journal of the Sociology of Language.1986

241.GCSE: Motorway or cul-de-sac?Page, Brain.ATI Journal.1986

242.GCSE: Some problems and opportunities.Littlewood, William.British Journal of Language Teaching.1986

243.Graded objectives and tests for modern languages: an evaluation.Buckby, Michael.British Journal of Language Teaching.1981

244.Grading classroom oral activities: effects on motivation and proficiency.Hahn, Sidney L., and others.Foreign Language Annals.1989

245.Grammar and the ACTFL oral proficiency interview: discussion and data.Magnan, Sally Sieloff.Modern Language Journal.1988

246.Guide to the standard progressive matrics: sets. A B C D and E.Raven, J.C.London: H.K. Lewis and Co., Ltd.1960

247.Hand Book in Research and Evaluation.Issac, S., and W.B. William.San Diego CA: Edits.1971

248.Hand book on objective testing in French.Park, B., and J.D.Simpson.London: Methuen Educational.1974

249.Handbook of evaluation research (Vol. 1).Struening, E.L., and M.Guttentag (eds.).Beverly Hills, CA : Sage1975

250.Handbook of Evaluation Research. (Vol. 2).Guttentag, M., and E.T.Struening (eds.).Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.1975

251.Handbook of measurement and assessment in behavioral sciences.Whitta, D.K. (ed.)Reading, Addison Wesley1968

252.Handbook of teacher evaluation.Millman, Jason (ed.).Beverly Hills, London: Sage Publications.1981

253.Handbook on question bank [(Vinaa vangik Kaiyeedu (Tamil)].Bhat, N. Raghavendra.Madras: University of Madras.1977

254.Health programme evaluation.Shortell, S.M., and W.C.Richardson.St.Louis, MO : C.V.Mosby1978

255.Holistic evaluation of ESL compositions: can it be validated objectively?Homburg, Taco Justus.TESOL Quarterly.1984

256.How free should the composition be?Doble, Gordon.Modern Languages.1974

257.How to design a program evaluation.Fitz-Gibbon, Carol Taylor., and Lynn Lyons Morris.London: Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.1978

258.How to evaluate education programmes.Fink, A., and J. Kosecoff.Arlington, Virginia: Capital Publications.1977

259.How to measure attitudes.Henerson, Marlene E., Morris Lynn Lyons., and et al.London: Sage Publications.1978

260.How to measure programme implementation.Morris, Lynn Lyons., and Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon.Beverly Hills, London: Sage Publications.1978

261.How to measure the achievement.Morris, Lynn Lyons., and Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon.London: Sage Publications.1978

262.Improved oral test scores through delayed response.Meredith, R.Alan.Modern Language Journal.1978

263.Improving ESL placement tests using two perspectives.Brown, James Dean.TESOL Quarterly.1989

264.Improving multiple-choice grammar tests in German.Valette, Rebecca M.German Quarterly1967

265.Improving the psychometric, criterion-referenced and practical qualities of integrative language tests.Cziko, Gary A.TESOL Quarterly.1982

266.Intelligence and attainment tests.Vernon, P.E.London : University of London Press Ltd.1972

267.Intelligence tests.Rai, Ajay.New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.1985

268.Intelligence, reasoning and language proficiency.Boyle, Joseph P.Modern Language Journal.1987

269.Interest and personality inventories.Cottle, William C.NewYork: Houghton Mifflin Company.1968

270.International proficiency tests developed for the IEAMassad, Carolyn Emrick.ELT Documents.1980

271.Inter-relationships among three tests of language proficiency: standardised ESL, cloze, and writing.Hanania, Edith., and Shikhani May.TESOL Quarterly.1986

272.Introducing a new comprehensive test of oral proficiency.Shohamy, Elana., and others.ELT Journal1986

273.Introduction to educational measurement (2nd edn.).Noll, Victor H.Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.1965

274.Introductory multivariate analysis for educational, psychological, and social research.Amick, D.J., and H.J. Walberg. (eds).Burdely, CA: Mocutchan.1975

275.Introductory readings in educational measurement.Noll, Victor H., Dale P. Scannell., and et al.Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.1972

276.Investigating occupational communication needs in the perspective of communicative performance testing.Ricciardi, Joseph., and Edwards Gregg.TESL Talk.1982

277.Is language proficiency testing due for a face lift?White, Tom C.Lenguas Modernas1975

278.Issues in the testing of English for specific purposes.Skehan, Peter.Language Testing1984

279.Item response theory and the assumption of unidimensionality for language tests.Henning, Grant., and others.Language Testing.1985

280.Item response theory.Woods, Anthony., and Rosemary Baker.Language Testing1985

281.Judging another by one's own standards what progmatics reveals in the evaluation of language use.Marsh, David.British Journal of Language Teaching.1988

282.Language and language learning: theory and practice. (2nd ed.).Brooks, Nelson.NewYork: Harcourt, Brace and World.1964

283.Language aptitude - a review.Skehan, Peter.English Language Research Journal1980

284.Language assessment and intervention.Wiig, E.H., and E.M.Semel.Columbus : Bell and Howell company1980

285.Language assessment for remediation.Muller, David J., Sian M. Munro., and et al.London: Groom Helm Ltd.1981

286.Language hand book: concepts, assessment, intervention.Muma, John R.Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.1978

287.Language in education: testing the tests.Oller, Jhon W.Jr., and Kyle Perkins.Rowley, Mas: New bury House.1978

288.Language proficiency interview testing.Keitges, David J.JALT Journal.1982

289.Language Proficiency Tests in Malayalam.Kumari, B.Syamala.Mysore: CIIL.1984

290.Language testing and academic accountability: on re-defining the role of language testing in language teaching.Stevenson, Douglas K.IRAL1981

291.Language testing and ethics.Hamp-Lyons, Liz.Prospect.1989

292.Language testing hand book.Harrison, Andrew.London: MacMillan.1983

293.Language testing symposium: a psycholinguistic approach.Davies, Alan (ed.).London: Oxford University Press.1970

294.Language Testing: In "Valeri Kinsella (ed.), Surveys-I".Davies, Alan.Cambridge: CUP.1982

295.Language Testing: In D.P. Pattanayak, Aspects of Applied Linguistics.Pattanayak, D.P.New Delhi: Asia Publishing House.1969

296.Language Testing: in The Edinburgh Course in Applied Linguistics.Ingram, Elizabeth.1974

297.Language Testing: Parts I & II (State of the art articles)Skehan, Peter.Language Testing1989

298.Language testing: past and current status-directions for the future.Clark, John L.D.Modern Language Journal.1983

299.Language testing: the construction and use of foreign language tests.Lado, Rabert.London: Longmans.1961

300.Language tests at school: a pragmatic approach.Oller, Jhon W.Jr.London: Langman group Ltd.1979

301.Language tests: a critical re-evaluation.Truchot, Claude.Langues Modernes1971

302.Large-scale oral testing.Walker, Clifford.Applied Linguistics1990

303.Le SAID System.Beaudot, Alain Le.Langues Modernes.1967

304.Linguistic and cultural bias in language proficiency tests.Zheng, Chen., and Grant Henning.Language Testing1985

305.Listening a single trait in first and second language learning.de Jong, John H.A.L.Toegepaste Taavvetenschap in Artikelen.1984

306.Listening comprehension: teaching or testing?Sheerin, Susan.ELT Journal1987

307.Listening comprehension-factorial analysis.Spearritt, Donald.Melbourne : Australian Council for Educational Research1962

308.Listening recall - a listening comprehension test for low proficiency learners.Henning, Grant.System.1983

309.Listening tests for modern languages: some new possibilities.de Jong, John H.A.L.Levende Talen.1982

310.Literary evaluation.Kannan, Lakshmi.Journal of Tamil Studies.1979

311.Make your own language tests: A practical guide to writing language performance tests.Carroll, Brendan J., and Patrick J. Hall.The Hague: Pergamon Press Ltd.1985

312.Making classroom testing useful to teachers and learners.Antony, Kunnan John.Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics.1986

313.Making the class-room test: A guide for teachers. (3rd ed.)Educational Testing Service.Princeton, N.J.: ETS Publications.1969

314.Meanings and implications of the principle of local independence.Henning, Grant.Language Testing.1989

315.Measurement and evaluation in educationPillai, K. Sivadasan.Trivandrum: Kalaniketan.1977

316.Measurement and evaluation in education and psychology.Mehrens, William A., and Irvin J.LehmannNewYork: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.1973

317.Measurement and evaluation in education. (4th edn.)Bhatia, K.K.Ludiana: Parkash Brothers.1980

318.Measurement and evaluation in psychology and education. (2nd edn.)Thorndike, Robert L., and Elizabeth Hagen.New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc.1961

319.Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching. (3rd edn.).Gronlund, N.E.NewYork: Macmillan Publishing Co.1976

320.Measurement for educational evaluation (2nd ed.)Chase, Clinton I.London: Addison - Wesley Publishing Co.1978

321.Measurement of reading achievement: an annotated biliography.Farr, Roger.Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association.1971

322.Measures of language proficiency from the learners perspective.Farhady, Hossein.TESOL Quarterly.1982

323.Measuring educational achievement.Ebel, R.L.New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India.1966

324.Measuring ESL readers ability to apply reasoning in reading: a validity study of the TOEFL reading comprehension subject.Perkins, Kyle.Journal of Research in Reading.1988

325.Measuring foreign language reading comprehension.Henning, Grant.Language Learning.1975

326.Measuring learning outcomes: Block 6.The open University.Walton Hall : The Open University Press1981

327.Measuring linguistic competence in a foreign language.Fishcer, Robert A.IRAL.1981

328.Measuring oral production in EFL.Seward, B.H.ELT Journal1973

329.Measuring passage contribution to ESL reading comprehension.Perkins, Kyle., and James Barbara.TESOL Quarterly.1985

330.Measuring proficiency in using English syntax.Budd, Roger.System.1988

331.Measuring pronunciation accuracy using computerised techniques.Major, Roy C.Language Testing.1987

332.Measuring reading performance.Blanton, William E., Roger Farr., et al. (eds.).Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association.1974

333.Models of second language competence: A structural approach.Sang, F., and others.Language Testing.1986

334.Modern educational testing.Singha, H.S.New Delhi : Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd.1974

335.Modern language examinations at sixteen plus: a critical analysis.Moys, Alan., A.Harding., and et al.London: CILT.1980

336.Modern language testing: a hand book.Valette, Rebecca M.NewYork : Harcourt, Brace & world1977

337.Modified cloze procedure: a more valid reading comprehension test.Porter, D.ELT Journal.1976

338.Monitoring attainment in the Welsh language in schools.Price, Eurwen.Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.1980

339.Monograph on grading for universities.Association of Indian Universities.New Delhi: AIU Publications.1977

340.Monograph on internal assessment for universities.Association of Indian Universities.New Delhi: AIU Publications.1984

341.Monograph on practical examinations for universities. (2nd ed.)Natarajan, V.New Delhi: AIU Publications.1982

342.Monograph on question banking for universities.Association of Indian Universities.New Delhi: AIU Publications.1977

343.Monograph on semester system for universities.Natarajan, V.New Delhi: AIU Publications.1979

344.Monograph on syllabus analysis and restructuring.Association of Indian Universities.New Delhi: AIU Publications.1984

345.Monograph on test and item analysis for universitiesAssociation of Indian Universities.New Delhi : AIU Publications1977

346.More questions on assumptions about cloze testing.Foley, Joseph A.RELC Journal.1983

347.Multiple choice language tests.Matthews-Bresky, R.J.H.ELT Journal.1978

348.Multiple-choice questions: a close Look.Educational Testing Service.Princeton, N.J.: ETS Publications.1963

349.Multivariate analysis: techniques for educational and psychological research.Tatsuoka, M.M.New York : John Wiley1971

350.Native speaker reactions to speakers of ESL: implications for adult basic education oral English proficiency testing.Mattran, Kenneth J.TESOL Quarterly.1977

351.New alternatives in EFL exams, or how to avoid selling English short.Madsen, Harold S.ELT Journal.1976

352.New approaches in psychological measurement.Kline, P (ed.).London: John Wiley and Sons.1973

353.New procedures for validating proficiency tests of ESP? Theory and practice.Alderson, J. Charles.Language Testing.1988

354.Non-native raters determining oral proficiency of EFL learners.Jafarpur, Abdoljavad.System.1988

355.Normative testing and bilingual populations.Baker, Colin,Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.1988

356.Objective testing.Machintosh, H.G., and R.B. Morrison.London: University of London Press Ltd.1969

357.On determining levels of reading skill in the foreign language.Korjakovceva, N.F.Deutsch als Fremdsprache.1977

358.On hierarchies of reading skills and text types.Lee, James F., and Diane Musumeci.Modern Language Journal.1988

359.On taking language tests: what the students report.Cohen, Andrew D.Language Testing.1984

360.On the development of the attitude motivation test battery.Gardner, R.C., and P.C. Smythe.Canadian Modern Language Reveiw.1981

361.On the marking of foreign-language compositions: a computer-aided analysis.Benham, G.F., and J.K.A Thomaneck.Modern Languages.1976

362.On the relationship between knowing and using linguistic forms.Bialystok, Ellen.Applied Linguistics.1982

363.On the theory of achievement test items.Bormuth, John R.Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.1970

364.On the use of composition scoring techniques, objective measures, and objective tests to evaluate ESL writing ability.Perkins, Kyle.TESOL Quarterly.1983

365.On validating a pronunciation test.de Jong, W.N.ELT Journal.1977

366.Operationalising uncertainty in language testing: an argument in favour of content validity.Davies, Alan.Language Testing.1988

367.Optimum time for an objective test.Viswanatham, K.System1987

368.Oral expression tests (2).Robinson, Peter.ELT Journal.1971

369.Oral language tests for bilingual students: an evaluation of language dominance and proficiency instruments.Silverman, Robert J., and Roslyn K.Noa., and et al.Poland, Or:Center for Bilingual Education1976

370.Oral proficiency testing in the United States.Barnwell, David.British Journal of Language Teaching.1988

371.Oral proficiency testing: comparative validities of interview, imitation, and completion methods.Henning, Grant.Language Learning.1983

372.Oral proficiency testing: meeting a variety of needs.Reschke, Claus.Die Unterrichtspraxis.1984

373.Oral testing in the examination context: the short talk and its summary.Eubanks, Frances.Perspectives.1984

374.Oral-proficiency testing: a critical analysis.Lantolf, James P., and William Frawley.Modern Language Journal.1985

375.Orals-the real issue in foreign languages.McCrory, D.P.Modern Languages.1987

376.Papers on language testing. (Occasional papers No. 18).Read, John A.S. (ed.)Singapore: Seameo Regional Language Centre.1981

377.Peer evaluation in practice.Lynch, Tony.ELT Documents.1988

378.Performance measures in L2: classification and correlations.Connors, Kathleen.Bulletin of the CAAL.1983

379.Performance on cloze tests with fixed-ratio and rational deletions.Bachman, Lyle F.TESOL Quarterly.1985

380.Person dimensionality in language test validation.Lynch, Brain., and et al.Language Testing.1988

381.Personnel selection: test and measurement techniques.Thorndike, Robert L.NewYork : John Wiley & Sons, Inc.1961

382.Perspectives in measurement and evaluation: a study guide. (Prepared by Daniel J. Muller).Thorndike, Robert L., and Elizabeth Hagen.NewYork : John Wiley & sons, Inc.1977

383.Perspectives in reading: the evaluation of children's reading achievement.Barrett, Thomas C. (ed.).Neward, Delaware: International Reading Association.1969

384.Planning and evaluating non-formal education: a systems model.Sharma, Motilal.Ambala : The Indian Publications1980

385.Post-tests, and results. (In Scherer, A.C. George., et al (1964)A Psycholinguistic Experiment in Foreign Language Teaching).Scherer, A.C.George., and Michael, Wertheimer.NewYork : Mc Graw-Hill, Inc.Book Co.1964

386.Practical problems for communicative and language testing.Ducroquet, Lucille.British Journal of Language Teaching.1986

387.Predicting success in intensive foreign language courses.Currall, Steven C ., and Roger E. Kirk.Modern Language Journal.1986

388.Preparation and evaluation of text books in mother tongue: principles and procedures.Rastogi, K.G., G.D.Sharma., and et al.New Delhi: NCERT.1970

389.Preparation and evaluation of textbooks in english principles and proceduresNCERT.New Delhi: NCERT Publications.1970

390.Principles for language test within the discourse domains theory of inter-language.Douglas, Dan., and Larry Selinker.Language Testing.1985

391.Principles of test design for an initial evaluation of overseas students in Britain.Seaton, Ian.Etudes de Linguistique appliquee,1981

392.Prior knowledge and reading comprehension test bias.Johnston, Peter.Reading Research Quarterly.1984

393.Problems in examining the validity of the ACTFL oral proficiency interview.Bachman, Lyle F.Studies in Second Language Acquisition.1988

394.Procedures in language test validation.Davies, Alan.ELT Documents.1988

395.Prochievement testing of speaking.Gonzalez Pino, Barbara.Foreign Language Annals.1989

396.Production vs. comprehension: differences in underlying competences.Flynn, Suzanne.Studies in Second Language Acquisition.1986

397.Proficiency testing in French at the University of Southern California.Babcock, Arthur.French Review.1985

398.Proficiency: understanding the construct.Lantolf, James P., and William Frawley.Studies in Second Language Acquisition.1988

399.Program evaluation in social research.Morell, Jonathan.NewYork: Pergamon Press.1979

400.Pronunciation testing-What did you say?Hole, Jonquil.ELT Journal.1983

401.Psycholinguistic experiments in foreign language testing.Anderson, Jonathan.StLucia: University of Queensland Press.1976

402.Psychological and Educational assessment of minority children.Oakland, Thomas (ed.).NewYork: Brunner Mazel, Publishers.1977

403.Psychological testing (3rd ed.).Anastasi, AnneNew York : The Macmillan Ltd.1968

404.Psychological tests.Anstey, Edgar.London: Nelson.1966

405.Psychometric methods. (2nd ed.)Guilford, J.P.NewYork: McGraw Hill.1954

406.Psychometric theory (2nd ed.).Nunally, J.C.NewYork: McGraw-Hill.1978

407.Qualitative evaluation methods.Patton, M.O.Beverly Hills.1980

408.Question Bank: book series. English language and literature. (3rd ed.).Association of Indian Universities.New Delhi: AIU Publications.1983

409.Reading comprehension test papers.Land, Geoffery.London: Oxford University Press.1975

410.Reading comprehension tests (For Std. VIII, IX and X)Ahuja, G.C., and Pramila Ahuja.Mysore: CIIL.1991

411.Reading comprehension tests: general or subject-specific?Shoham, Miriam., and others.System1987

412.Reading Diagnosis and Evaluation.De Boer, Dorothy L. (ed.)Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association.1970

413.Reading tests and reviews II: A monograph consisting of the reading sections of the seventh mental measurements year book (1972) and tests in print II (1974).Buros, Oscar Krisen.New Jersey: The Gryphon Press.1975

414.Reading: What can be measured?Farr, Roger.Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association.1969

415.Readings in evaluation research. (2nd ed.)Caro, F.G. (ed.).NewYork: Sage Publications.1977

416.Reliability and validity of the secondary level English proficiency test.Stansfield, Charles W.System1984

417.Reliability assessment of written communicative skills.Green, Peter S., and Karlheinz Hecht.Finlance.1984

418.Repetition and dictation as language testing techniques.Natalicio, Diana S.Modern Language Journal.1979

419.Research in oral secondary-school leaving examinations in Germany.Ingenkamp, K., and B. Wolf.British Journal of Educational Psychology.1982

420.Scoring written work in English as a second language: the use of the t-unit.Gipps, C., and E. Ewen.Educational Research.1974

421.Secondary school students cannot translate.Koster, C.J.Lavende Talen.1981

422.Selecting an achievement test: principles and procedures.Educational Testing Service.Princeton, N.J.: ETS Publications.1969

423.Selecting samples for testing the hypothesis of divisible versus unitary competence in language proficiency.Powers, Donald E.Language Learning.1982

424.Self-assessment as a second language placement instrument.Leblanc, Raymond., and Gisele, Painchaud.TESOL Quarterly.1985

425.Self-assessment of foreign-language skills: implications for teachers and researchers.Blanche, Patrick., and Barbara J. Merino.Language Learning.1989

426.Self-assessment of language learning by adults: some research findings.Oskarsson, Mats.Etudes de Linguistique Appliquee.1981

427.Self-assessment of language proficiency: rationale and applications.Oskarsson, Mats.Language Testing.1989

428.Self-assessment: the units of learner independence.Blue, George M.ELT Documents.1988

429.Self-evaluation in a course of French as a foreign language.Raasch, Albert.Francais dans le Monde.1979

430.Short-cut statistics for teacher made tests. (Evaluation and Advisory Service Series No. 5).Educational Testing Service.Princeton, N.J.: ETS Publications.1964

431.Should we abolish examinations?Mothe, Jean-Claude.Francais dans le Monde.1978

432.Social experimentation: A method for planning and evaluating social intervention.Reicken, H.W., and R.F.Boruch. (eds.)NewYork: Academic.1974

433.Social statistics (2nd ed.).Blalock, Hubert M.NewYork: McGraw Hill.1972

434.Some comments on aptitude testing for foreign-language learning.Kolarik, Teodor.Cizi Jazykyve Skole.1972

435.Some comments on t-unit research.Barnwell, David.System.1988

436.Some guidelines for the assessment of oral language proficiency and dominance.Burt, Marina., and Heidi Dulay.TESOL Quarterly.1978

437.Specifications for an English language testing service.Carroll, Brendan J.ELT Documents.1981

438.Speech as process.Byrnes, Heidi.Foreign Language Annals.1987

439.Statistical analysis of social data.Zeller, R.A., and E.G.Carmines.Chicago : Rand McNally1978

440.Statistical aspects of reliability in language testing.Krzanowski, Wojtek J., and Anthony J. Woods.Language Testing.1984

441.Statistical literacy: a guide to interpretation.Hwack, D.G.North Scituate, MA: Duxbury.1979

442.Statistical package for the social sciences (2nd ed.).Nie, N., H.Hull., and et al.NewYork: McGraw-Hill.1975

443.Statistical principles in experimental design. (2nd ed.)Winer, J.B.NewYork : McGraw-Hill1971

444.Statistical survey techniques.Jessen, R.J.NewYork: John Wiley.1978

445.Statistics and measurement in the class-room (2nd ed.).McFarland, Sujan., and C.F.Hereford.Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C Brown Company Publishers.1971

446.Statistics for experimenters: an introduction to design, data analysis, and model building.Box, G.E.P., and W.G.Hunter., and et al.New York: John Wiley.1978

447.Statistics in psychology and education. (5th ed.).Garrett, Henry E.NewYork: Longmans, Green and Co.1958

448.Student affective reactions to oral language tests.Scott, Mary Lee.Language Testing1986

449.Student major field and text content: interactive effects on reading comprehension in the test of English as a Foreign Language..Hale, Gordon A.Language Testing.1988

450.Student personality and success in an English language programme.Brodkey, Dean., and Howard Shore.Language Learning.1976

451.Student-centered testing: assessing communication in progress.Harrison, Andrew.Levende Talen.1982

452.Study of the validity of MLAT as predictor of the success rate of Canadian civil servants learning French as a second language.Monfils, Gerard.Medium.1982

453.Survey design and analyses: Current issues. Sage contemporary social science issues 46.Alwin, D.F.Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.1978

454.Tailored cloze: improved with classical item analysis techniques.Browm, James Dean.Language Testing.1988

455.Tamil Vilakku (Tamil) (Second Language Test Series).Gnanasundaram, V.Mysore: CIIL.1996

456.Task and ability analysis as a basis for examining content and construct comparability in two EFL proficiency test batteries.Bachman, Lyle F., and others.Language Testing.1988

457.Taxonomy of educational objectives: book 2-affective domain.Krathwohl, David R., Benjamin S. Bloom., and et al.NewYork: David Mc Kay Company.1971

458.Taxonomy of educational objectives: book I. cognitive domain.Bloom, Benjamin S.(ed.).London: Longman group Ltd.1956/ 1974

459.'Teachers' questions, pupils' answers: an investigation of questions and answers in the infant classroom.French, Peter., and Margaret Maclure.First Language1981

460.Teaching and testing: communicatively.Swain, Merrill.TESL Talk1984

461.Teaching towards the text and the multiple choice question type test.Joycey, E.System.1987

462.Techniques for assessing listening comprehension in second language.Aitken, Kenneth G.Audio-visual Language Journal.1979

463.Techniques for teaching and evaluating conversational English.Deyoe, Rita M.ELT Journal.1979

464.Teervugal (examinations) In M.S. Thirumalai, Mozhi Karpittal (Tamil).Thirumalai, M.S.Madras : Manivaasagar Nuulagam1978

465.Test of communicative competence: In S.J. Savignon, Communicative Competence: An experiment in foreign language teaching.Savignon, Sandra J.Philadelphia : The Center for Curriculum Development, Inc.1972

466.Test scores and what they mean.Lyman, Howard B.Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.1963

467.Testing ability in english as a second language-2: techniques.Perren, George.ELT Journal.1967

468.Testing ability in English as a second language-3: spoken language.Perren, George.ELT Journal.1967

469.Testing advanced communicative competence through role play.Evans, Colin., and others.British Journal of Language Teaching.1987

470.Testing and experimental methods: The edinburgh course in applied linguistics. Vol. 4.Allen, J.P.B. and Alan Davies (eds.).London: Oxford University.1977

471.Testing and its administration in ESP.Alderson, J. Charles.KMIT's EST Bulletin.1987

472.Testing aural comprehension.Most, R.L.Repport d' Activites del' Institute de Phonetique.1972

473.Testing communicative competence.Johns Lewis, Catherine.MALS Journal.1981

474.Testing communicative performance: an interim study.Carroll, Brendan J.Oxford: Pergamon Press.1980

475.Testing competence in oral communication.Grenier-Henrie, Anne Marie., and others.Medium.1982

476.Testing EFL Competence.Cross, David.British Journal of Language Teaching.1984

477.Testing EFL reading comprehension using a multiple-choice rational cloze.Bensoussan, Marsha., and Rachel Ramraz.Modern Language Journal.1984

478.Testing English for Specific Purposes: how specific can we get?Alderson, J. Charles.ELT Documents.1988

479.Testing English for University Study.Hughes, Arthur (ed.).ELT Documents.1988

480.Testing foreign language learning: In Valdman Albert (ed.) : Trends in Language Teaching.Pimsleur, Paul.NewYork: McGraw-Hill.1966

481.Testing foreign language reading comprehension, the immediate recall protocol.Bernhardt, Elizabeth B.Unterrichtspraxis.1983

482.Testing in foreign languages, ESL, and bilingual education.Lange, Dale L., and Ray T. Clifford.Arlington, va: Centre for Applied Linguistics.1980

483.Testing in post-secondary self-paced instructional programmes.Schulz, Renate A.The Canadian Modern Language Review1983

484.Testing in the language laboratory: an argument for its efficiency.Thomaneck, J.K.A., and G.J.A Burgess.British Journal of Language Teaching1980

485.Testing In W.A. Bennett. "Aspects of language and language teaching".Bennett, W.A.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1968

486.Testing Language Proficiency.Jones, Randall L., B. Spolsky (eds.).Arlington: Center for Applied Linguistics.1976

487.Testing listening comprehension in the schools of Israel.Gefen, Raphael.ELT Journal.1981

488.Testing literature in EFL classes: tradition and innovation.Carter, Ronald., and Michael N. Long.ELT Journal.1990

489.Testing lower intermediate writing: a comparison of two scoring methods.Cleary, Christopher.British Journal of Language Teaching.1988

490.Testing meaning construction: can we do it fairly?Sarig, Gissi.Language Testing.1989

491.Testing oral communication: why and how?Calderbank, Mark., and M. Awwad.System.1988

492.Testing oral fluency.Beardsmore, H.B.Rapport d' Activities de l' Institute de Phonetique.1972

493.Testing oral skills at university level.Townson, Michael.ELT Journal1973

494.Testing pronunciation in the language laboratory.Whiteson, Valerie.ELT Journal1978

495.Testing pronunciation: an application of generalisability theory.Van Weeren, J., and T.J.J.M.Theunissen.Language Learning1987

496.Testing reading comprehension: multiple choice vs. short answer questions.Stathmann, Stella.ELT Journal1979

497.Testing recognition and production with oral stimuli.Kobersky, Eva.Contact.1969

498.Testing spoken language: A hand book of oral testing techniques.Underhill, Nic.Cambridge University Press1987

499.Testing student achievements and aptitudes.Ahmann, J.Stanley.New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.1965

500.Testing the oral English proficiency of foreign Nursing Graduates.Powers, Donald E., and Charles W. Stanfield.The ESP Journal.1985

501.Testing the second language competence of children and adults.Robinson, Peter.ELT Journal.1973

502.Testing the skills of writing in a second Language situation.Viswanatham, K.Gaveshana (Telugu)1987

503.Testing the test of advanced EFL reading comprehension: to what extent does the difficulty of a multiple-choice comprehension test reflect the difficulty of the text?Bensoussan, Marsha.System.1982

504.Testing writing proficiency at university level.Nienhuis, L.J.A.Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen.1984

505.Testing, the teacher and the student.Alderson, J. Charles.Cahiers de LAPLIUT.1984

506.Testing: In Emma M. Birkmaier. (eds.), Foreign language education: an overview.Valette, Rebecca M.Skokie Illinois : National Text Book company1976

507.Testing-Another point of view.George, H.V.ELT Journal.1962

508.Tests and assessment.Bruce, Walsh., and Nancy E. Betz.Englewood Cliff, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.1985

509.Tests and measurements.Tyler, Leona E.New Delhi : Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.1969

510.Tests of oral performance: the need for data based criteria.Fulcher, Glenn.ELT Journal.1987

511.Tests of substitution: a simple alternative to cloze.Cross, David.System.1981

512.Tests of writing ability in English as a foreign language.Dunlop, I.ELT Journal.1969

513.The accuracy of teacher judgement of the oral proficiency of high school foreign language students.Levine, Martin G., and George J. Haus.Foreign Language Annals.1987

514.The ACTFL Oral proficiency interview in a Canadian context: the French speaking proficiency of two groups of Ontario high-school graduates.Hamm, Christiane.Foreign Language Annals.1988

515.The application of cloze procedure to English learned as a foreign language in Papua and New Guinea.Anderson, Jonathan.ELT Journal.1972

516.The APU testing programme in foreign languages.Portal, Matthew.Modern Languages.1984

517.The Art of Educational Evaluation: A personal Reveiw.Eisner, Elliot W.The Falmer Press.1985

518.The assessment of oral performance at O and A level.Whelpton, Tony.NIMLA1985

519.The assessment of oral skills.Ellis, Richard J.Teaching English.1981

520.The cloze procedure and proficiency in English as a foreign language.Alderson, J. Charles.TESOL Quarterly.1979

521.The cloze procedure for placement testing.Schaefer, Carl F.Glottodidactica1982

522.The cloze technique and ESL proficiency.Oller, Jhon W., and Christine A. Conrad.Language Learning.1971

523.The cloze test as a measure of second language proficiency for young children.Swain, Merrill., and others.Working Papers on Bilingualism1976

524.The cloze test as an alternative measure of language proficiency of children considered for exit from bilingual education programs.Laesch, Kelly Bowers., and Anne Van Kleeck.Language Learning.1987

525.The cloze test: or why small ins't always beautiful.Sciarone, A.G., and J.J.Schoorl.Language Learning1989

526.The communicational testing of reading.Lukmani, Y.ELT Journal.1982

527.The construct validation of self-ratings of communicative language abilityBachman Lyle F., and Palmer Adrain S.Language Testing1989

528.The construct validation of some components of communicative proficiency.Bachman, Lyle F., and Palmer, Adrain S.TESOL Quarterly.1982

529.The construct validation of the FSI oral interview.Bachman, Lyle F., and Palmer Adrian S.Language Learning.1981

530.The construction and analysis of short scales of language proficiency: classical psychometric, latent trait, and non parametric approaches.Cziko, Gary A., and Nion-Hsuan, Jennifer Lin.TESOL Quarterly.1984

531.The construction and validation of a questionnaire for measuring attitudes towards learning foreign languages.Roger, Derek., and others.Educational Review.1981

532.The C-Test in English: left-hand deletions.Cleary, Christopher.RELC Journal.1988

533.The development of a prediction test of performance in foreign language learning.Novak, Zdenek.Cizi jazyky ve Skole.1974

534.The direct testing of academic writing in a second language.Low, Graham D.System.1982

535.The discourse co-operation test.Friel, Michael.System.1984

536.The dynamics of interviewing.Kahn, Robert L., and Charles F. Cannell.NewYork: John Wiley and Sons.1957

537.The effect of dictionary usage on EFL test performance compared with student and teacher attitudes and expectations.Bensoussan, Marsha., and others.Reading in a Foreign Language.1984

538.The effect on the cloze test of changes in deletion frequency.Alderson, J. Charles.Journal of Research in Reading.1979

539.The evaluation and marking of oral performance.Atze, Charlotte.Fremdsprachen-unterricht.1981

540.The evaluation enterprise.Meyers, W.A.San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.1981

541.The evaluation of communicative language proficiency: a critique of the ACTFL oral interview.Bachman, Lyle F., and Sandra J. Savignon.Modern Language Journal.1986

542.The evaluation of in-service teacher training.Henderson, Euan S.London: Croom Helm Ltd.1978

543.The evaluation of social programmes.Abt, C.C. (ed.)Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.1976

544.The evaluation of tests of communicative performance.Morrow, Keith.Prospect.1985

545.The FSI / LR / ACTFL proficiency scales and testing techniques development, current status, and needed research.Clark, John L.D., and Ray T. Clifford.Studies in Second Language Acquisition.1988

546.The impact of learner variables on language test performance.Spurling, Steven., and Donna Ilyin.TESOL Quarterly1985

547.The implications for testing of the communicative approach to language teaching.Carroll, Brendan J.Studies in Language Learning.1982

548.The influence of disc or tape language laboratory equipment on foreign language speaking test scores.Spencer, Richard E.Modern Language Journal1966

549.The influence of test and sample dimensionality on latent trait person ability and item difficulty calibrations.Henning, Grant.Language Testing.1988

550.The information gap in placement testing.Bowker, David.ELT Journal.1984

551.The integration of tests in foreign-language text books.Duwell, Henning.Praxis.1973

552.The joint dissemination panel idea book.Tallmadge, G.K.Mountain View, CA : RMC Research Corporation1972

553.The language arts in childhood education.Paul, C.Burns., and Betty L.Broman.Chicago: Rand Mc Nally College Publishing Co.1975

554.The limits of authenticity in language testing.Spolsky, Bernard.Language Testing1985

555.The measurement of productive skills: double concerning the assessment criteria of certain public examinations.Matthews, Margaret.ELT Journal.1990

556.The multiple-choice cloze test as a general language proficiency test.Jochems, Wim., and Frans Montens.ITL.1988

557.The need for good testing techniques in class room.Shaulson, Shaul.ELT Journal1979

558.The Pimsleur Battery as a predictor of student performance.Curtin, Constance., and others.Modern Language Journal.1983

559.The place of dictation in an entrance test battery.Arnaud, Pierre J.L.Langues Modernes.1986

560.The practice of social research. (2nd ed.)Babbi, E.R.Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.1979

561.The rational deletion cloze and global comprehension in German.Markham, Paul L.Language Learning.1985

562.The relation of multiple-choice cloze items to the test of English as a foreign language.Hale, Gordon A., and others.Language Testing.1989

563.The relationship between anxiety and foreign language oral proficiency ratings.Young, Dolly J.Foreign Language Annals1986

564.The reliability of two methods of marking oral tests in modern language examinations.Francis, J.C.British Journal of Language Teaching.1981

565.The rich get richer and the poor get poorer: a quantitative evaluation of the outcome of a programme for teaching English as a foreign language.Nevo, Barukh., and others.System.1977

566.The role of aptitude in foreign-language learning in secondary grammar-school pupils.Nizegorodcew, Anna.Glottodidactica.1980

567.The role of continuous assessment in accelerating learning.Schlissinger, Jacqueline.Francais dans le Monde1981

568.The role of foreign language aptitude in a model of school learning.Skehan, Peter.Language Testing1986

569.The sample survey: theory and practice.Warwick, D.P., and C.A.Lininger.NewYork : McGraw-Hill1975

570.The short-context technique on alternative for testing reading comprehension.Jafarpur, Abdoljavad.Language Testing.1987

571.The sixth mental measurements year book.Buros, Oscar Krishen (ed.).Highland Park, N.J.: The Gryphon Press.1965

572.The stability of oral proficiency assessment on the oral interview testing procedures.Shohamy, Elana.Language Learning1983

573.The sympathetic native speaker-a GCSE role-play for the teacher.Green, Peter S., and Karlheinz Hecht.Modern Languages.1988

574.The test of aural perception in foreign language teaching from the stand point of information theory.Zierer, Ernesto.IRAL1971

575.The testing of English writing skills in Dutch secondary schools.Wesdorp, H.Levende Talen1974

576.The TOEFL: an appraisal.Traynor, Raymond.ELT Journal1985

577.The trait structure of cloze test scores.Bachman, Lyle F.TESOL Quarterly.1982

578.The USC proficiency-based programme in foreign language instruction methods and their effects on achievement and motivation.Smith, Karen L.Unterrichtspraxis1984

579.The use of role-play tasks in assessing FL communicative performance.Mitchell, Rosamund.British Journal of Language Teaching.1985

580.The use of situation tests as measures of communicative ability.Raffaldini, Tina.Studies in Second Language Acquisition.1988

581.Three new tests for overerseas students entering post-graduate and vocational training courses.Williams, K.L.ELT Journal1990

582.To be an explainer: a reporting test of oral proficiency.Sunderland, Jane., and Zhang Yixing., and et al.ELT Journal1988

583.Towards a practice-centred programme for the training and evaluation of foreign language teachers.Politizer, Robert L.Modern Language Journal.1966

584.Towards a science of question setting in the GCSE.Parington, John.British Journal of Language Teaching.1988

585.Towards an authentic discourse cloze.Deyes, Tony.Applied Linguistics.1984

586.Towards an English language sufficiency test.Yule, G.ELT Journal1980

587.Towards better questions (Item writers cook book).Association of Indian Universities.New Delhi: AIU Publications.1984

588.Towards objectivity in group oral testing.Folland, David., and David Robertson.ELT Journal.1976

589.Towards reform of programme evaluation.Cronbach, L.J., and others.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.1980

590.Towards the measurement of functional proficiency: contextualisation of the noise test.Gaies, Stephen J., and others.TESOL Quarterly.1977

591.Translation and testing.Viswanatham, K.Tamil civilization1988

592.Translation as a test-form in the state examination for prospective teachers.Klein-Braley, Christine.Neusprachliche Mitteilungen.1982

593.Translation as a Testing device.Matthews-Bresky, R.J.H.ELT Journal.1972

594.T-unit analysis in second language research: applications, problems and limitations.Gaies, Stephen J.TESOL Quarterly.1980

595.Two methods of testing comprehension.Smithies, Michael.ELT Journal1976

596.Understanding and conducting research: applications in education and the behavioral sciences.Mason, E.J., and W.J.Bramble.NewYork: McGraw-Hill.1978

597.Unobtrusive measures: Non-reactive research in the social sciences.Webb, E., D. Campbell., and et al.Chicago : Rand McNally1966

598.Using cloze procedure as an overall language proficiency test.Aitken, Kenneth G.TESOL Quarterly.1977

599.Using multiple-choice tests to promote homogeneity of class ability levels in large EGP and ESP programmes.Mason, Victor W.System.1984

600.Using the language laboratory to test linguistic performance and communicative ability.Norrish, Norma.System.1978

601.Validating three tests of English-language proficiency.Davies, Alan.Language Testing.1984

602.Validation of listening comprehension tests using item response theory.de Jong, John H.A.L., and C.A.W. Glas.Language Testing.1987

603.Validity in proficiency testing.Moller, Alan.ELT Documents.1975

604.What does it mean to know how to use a language: An essay on the theoretical basis of language testing.Spolsky, Bernard.Language Testing1985

605.What Queens English do universities accept?James, A.J., et al.Times Higher Education Supplement.1977

606.When are cloze items sensitive to constraints across sentences?Chavez-Oller, Mary Anne., and others.Language Learning.1985

607.Where is the 16+ leading us?Byram, Michael.British Journal of Language Teaching.1982

608.Why are we interested in general language proficiency?Vollmer, Helmet J.ELT Documents1981

609.Writing English language tests: a practical guide for teachers of English as a second or foreign language.Heaton, J.B.London: Longman Group Ltd.1975

610.Writing in the GCSE - modern languages.Roy, Marie-Jose.British Journal of Language Teaching.1988

611.Written tests of pronunciation: do they work?Buck, Gary.ELT Journal.1989

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