SNo. | Articles/Books/Chapters | Authors | Publishers/Journals | Year |
1. | 50 tests in essential English | Pryse, B.Elizabeth. | Oxford: Basis Blackwell Publisher Ltd. | 1983 |
2. | A behavioural anchoring analysis of three ESL reading comprehension tests. | Perkins, Kyle., and Sheila R. Brutten. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1988 |
3. | A collection of old questions/items used for testing Indian Languages as L2 (18 volumes in 13 languages)- in cyclostyled form. | Evaluation and Testing Unit of the CIIL. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1988 |
4. | A comparison of ESL students ability in four language modes: oral composing, independent writing, story re-telling and reading. | Froese, Victor. | TESL Canada Journal. | 1987 |
5. | A comparison of language proficiency tests. | Bowen, J. Donald. | Work Papers in TESL. | 1976 |
6. | A comparison of some common types of language tests. | Marsden, Robert., and Nick Underhill. | Journal of Applied Language Study. | 1982 |
7. | A conceptual approach to assessing bilingualism in children entering school. | Holloman, John W. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1977 |
8. | A consideration of the meaning of discuss in examination questions. | Dudley-Evans, Tony. | ELT Documents. | 1988 |
9. | A construct definition study of a standardised ESL vocabulary test. | Perkins, Kyle., and Steven E. Linnville. | Language Testing. | 1987 |
10. | A course in testing and evaluation for ESP, or How bad were my tests? | Alderson, J. Charles., and Alan Waters. | Lancaster Practical Papers in English Language Education. | 1982 |
11. | A criterion-referenced measurement approach to ESL achievement testing. | Hudson, Thom., and Brain Lynch. | Language Testing. | 1984 |
12. | A Critique of some indices of syntactic maturity. | O'Donnell, Roy C. | Research in the Teaching of English. | 1976 |
13. | A general psychological approach to foreign language learning ability. | Esser, Ulrich. | Deutsch als Fremdsprache. | 1982 |
14. | A guide for advanced learners of Tamil | Pillai, N. Nadaraja. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1986 |
15. | A guide to language testing: development, evaluation research. | Henning, Grant. | Cambridge: New Bury House Publishers. | 1987 |
16. | A hand book on language evaluation. (Monograph Series-1) | Clark, John L.D., C.H.K. Misra., and et al. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1973 |
17. | A history of dictation in foreign language teaching and testing. | Stansfield, Charles W. | Modern Language Journal | 1985 |
18. | A look at cloze testing across languages and levels. | Briere, E.J., and others. | Modern Language Journal. | 1978 |
19. | A multiple choice for language testers. | Spolsky, Bernard. | Language Testing | 1986 |
20. | A multiple probe in second-language acquisition research. | Kruse, Heleen., and others. | Studies in Second Language Acquisition. | 1987 |
21. | A national survey of Spanish language testing for placement or outcome assessment of B.A. granting institutions in the United States. | Wherritt, Irene., and Anne Cleary T. | Foreign Language Annals | 1990 |
22. | A new examination of examinations. | Montogomery, Robert. | London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. | 1978 |
23. | A practical approach to assessing bilingualism in young Mexican-American children. | Holloman, John W. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1976 |
24. | A practical introduction to measurement and evaluation. | Remmers, H.H., N.L.Gage., et al. | Delhi: Universal Book stall. | 1967 |
25. | A proposal for testing the knowledge of English grammar in secondary schools. | Skalava, Eva. | Cizi jazyky ve skole | 1972 |
26. | A rationale for the cloze procedure. | Foley, Joseph A. | ITL | 1984 |
27. | A Sampler on sampling. | Williams, B. | NewYork : John Wiley | 1978 |
28. | A self-rating scale of English difficulty: Rasch scalar analysis of items and rating categories. | Davidson, Fred., and Grant Henning A. | Language Testing. | 1985 |
29. | A SGAV approach to individualisation, autonomy and contextualisation through macro simulation. | Heras, R., and M Regan. | Revue de Phonetique Appliquee. | 1985 |
30. | A study of foreign language achievements and personality variables in 15-year old pupils. | Scheibner-Herzig, G., and others. | ITL | 1984 |
31. | A study of the statistical foundations of group conversation tests in spoken English. | Liski, Erkki., and Simo Puntanen. | Language Learning. | 1983 |
32. | A survey of English language examinations. | Simmonds, Paul. | ELT Journal | 1985 |
33. | A survey of research on the C-test. | Klein-Braley, Christine., and Ulrich, Raatz. | Language Testing. | 1984 |
34. | A Systematic approach to the testing of language and literature - Book I : Conceptual framework | Subbiah, Pon | Mysore : CIIL | 1996 |
35. | A systematic approach to the testing of language and literature : Book II - Practical realisation part II : Aspect-wise item models for mastery testing in language. | Subbiah, Pon (ed.) | Mysore : CIIL | 1996 |
36. | A systematic approach to the testing of language and literature : Book II - Practical realisation volume I part I terminology parallels of the GFRs for developing MILES. | Subbiah, Pon (ed.) | Mysore : CIIL | 1996 |
37. | A systematic approach to the testing of language and literature : Book II - Practical realisation part III: Aspect-wise item models for mastery testing in literature. | Subbiah, Pon (ed.) | Mysore : CIIL | 1996 |
38. | A systematic approach to the testing of language and literature : Book II - Practical realisation part IV: Trait-wise item models for personality testing through language. | Subbiah, Pon (ed.) | Mysore : CIIL | 1996 |
39. | A systematic approach to the testing of language and literature : Book II - Practical realisation part V: Trait-wise item models for personality testing through literature. | Subbiah, Pon (ed.) | Mysore : CIIL | 1996 |
40. | A test for non-native comprehension of intonation in English. | Cruz-Ferreira, Madalena. | IRAL. | 1989 |
41. | A theoretical contribution to ESL diagnostic test construction. | Blatchford, C.H. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1971 |
42. | ABNI BOLI: Tamil-Levels 1,2 & 3. | Gnanasundaram, V., and et al. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1975 |
43. | Academic demands related to listening skills. | Powers, Donald E. | Language Testing. | 1986 |
44. | Acculturation and second language learning: Use of comics to measure the degree of acculturation. | Takashima, Hideyuki. | IRAL | 1987 |
45. | Achievement and proficiency: the missing link? | Hughes, Arthur. | ELT Documents. | 1988 |
46. | Administration of group intelligence tests to East African pupils. | Vernon, Philip E. | British Journal of Educational Psychology | 1967 |
47. | Adult Literacy and Language Testing. In G. Sambasiva Rao (ed.) Literacy Methodology. | Viswanatham, K. | CIIL Adult Literacy Series-3 | 1979 |
48. | Advances in language testing. | Spolsky, Bernard. (ed.). | Arlington, Virginia : Center for Applied Linguistics | 1978 |
49. | Advantages of latent trait measurement in language testing. | Henning, Grant. | Language Testing. | 1984 |
50. | Aids and tests in the teaching of English as a second language. | Oxford University. | London: Oxford University. | 1956 |
51. | Aims, objectives and assessment (examinations and essays) or the advert for the show and how you pay at the exit. | Gautherot, Jean-Marie. | Francois dans le Monde. | 1978 |
52. | An alternative approach to oral proficiency testing: the practical examination. | Blue, Walter., and others. | French Review. | 1984 |
53. | An alternative to multiple choice vocabulary tests. | Meara, Paul., and Buxton, Barbara. | Language Testing. | 1987 |
54. | An ESL index of development. | Larsen-Freeman, Diane. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1978 |
55. | An evaluation of integrated service English teaching. | Siegel, Jeff., and Lilia S. Dube. | ELT Journal | 1982 |
56. | An evaluation of the noise test: a method for testing overall second language proficiency by perception under masking noise. | Johansson, Stig. | IRAL. | 1973 |
57. | An evaluation primer. | Fink, A., and J.Kosecoff. | Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. | 1978 |
58. | An experimental integrative test of English grammar. | Bowen, J. Donald. | Work Papers in TESL. | 1975 |
59. | An Intensive Course in Assamese. | Baruah, P.N. Dutta. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1980 |
60. | An Intensive Course in Bengali. | Bhattacharaya, Krishna., and A.K. Basu. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1981 |
61. | An Intensive course in Gujarati. | Nair, Usha. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1991 |
62. | An Intensive Course in Kannada. | Halemane, Lingadevaru., and M.N. Leelavathi. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1983 |
63. | An Intensive Course in Kashmiri. | Koul, Omkar N. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1985 |
64. | An Intensive course in Malayalam. | Kumari, B.Syamala. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1981 |
65. | An Intensive Course in Marathi. | Chitnis, Vijaya. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1979 |
66. | An Intensive Course in Oriya. | Mohanty, Bijayalaxmi. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1989 |
67. | An Intensive course in Punjabi. | Bhatia, Motia. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1985 |
68. | An Intensive course in Sindhi. | Lekhwani, Kanhaiyalal. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1987 |
69. | An intensive course in Tamil. Reprint. | Rajaram, S. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1990 |
70. | An Intensive course in Telugu. | Ramanarasimham, P. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1985 |
71. | An Intensive course in Urdu. | Zaidi, Shamshad. | Mysore : CIIL | 1992 |
72. | An investigation of the construct validity of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines and oral interview procedure. | Dandonoli, Patricia., and Grant Henning. | Foreign Language Annals. | 1990 |
73. | An item discriminability study of textually explicit, textually implicit, and scriptally implicit questions. | Perkins, Kyle., and Sheila R. Brutten. | RELC Journal. | 1988 |
74. | An objective test of pronunciation for large classes. | Dobbyn, Michael. | ELT Journal. | 1976 |
75. | An outline proposal for testing communicative competence. | Levine, Josie. | ELT Journal. | 1976 |
76. | Analysis of native speaker performance of a cloze test. | Lado, Robert. | Language Testing. | 1986 |
77. | Another turn in the conversation, what does cloze measure? | Jonz, Jhon. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1990 |
78. | Applying norm-referenced and criterion-referenced measurement in education. | Martuza, Victor R. | Boston: Allyn and Bacon. | 1977 |
79. | Approaches to faculty evaluation for ESL. | Pennington, Martha C., and Aileen L.Young. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1989 |
80. | Approaches to self assessment in foreign language learning. | Oskarsson, Mats. | NewYork: Pergamon Press. | 1980 |
81. | Are cloze items sensitive to constraints across sentences? | Chihara, Tetsuro, John Oller., and et al. | Language Learning. | 1977 |
82. | Are English language aptitude tests biased towards culturally different minority groups? Some Israeli findings. | Zeidner, Moshe. | Language Testing | 1986 |
83. | Are we really measuring proficiency with our foreign language tests. | Briere, Eugene J. | Foreign Language Annals. | 1971 |
84. | Assessing college students ability to write compositions. | Cohen, Arthur M. | Research in the Teaching of English. | 1973 |
85. | Assessing language development. | Wilkinson, Andrew., Gillian Barnsley., and et al. | Oxford : Oxford University press | 1980 |
86. | Assessing language skills in infancy. | Bzoch, Kenneth R., and Richard League. | Baltimore: University Park Press. | 1971 |
87. | Assessing non-scholastic aspects of learners behaviour. | Natarajan, V., and S.P.Kulshreshta. | New Delhi: Association of Indian Universities. | 1983 |
88. | Assessing oral proficiency: some practical considerations. | Ervin, Gerard L. | Russian Language Journal. | 1980 |
89. | Assessing students appraising teaching. | Clift, John C., and Bradford W. Imrie. | London: Croom Helm Ltd. | 1981 |
90. | Assessment in higher education. | Heywood, John. | London: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. | 1977 |
91. | Assessment in special and remedial education. | Salivia, John., and James E. Ysseldyke. | Boston: Houghton Mifflin company. | 1978 |
92. | Assessment in the modern class room: keeping track of teaching. | Black, Harry., and Patricia Broad Foot. | London: Routeledge and Kegan Paul. | 1982 |
93. | Assessment of children's Intelligence and Special Abilities. (2nd ed.) | Sattler, Jerome M. | Boston, Massachusetts : Allyn and Bacon, Inc. | 1982 |
94. | Assessment of delinquency. | Mukerji, Kamal., and Moitrayee Basu. | New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd. | 1980 |
95. | Assessment of oral performance in modern languages at ordinary level. | Willig, Peter. | Modern Languages | 1982 |
96. | Assessment of psychometric invariance of the Wechsler adult intelligence scales (WAIS) | Puhan, Biranchi.N. | New Delhi: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd. | 1979 |
97. | Assessment procedures of oral second language proficiency: spontaneous speech vs. elicitation data. | Verhoeven, Ludo Th., and Vermeer Arine. | Inter-language studies Bulletin | 1984 |
98. | Authentic language tests: where from and where to? | Shohamy, Elana., and Thea Reves. | Language Testing | 1985 |
99. | Bankson language screening test (BLST). | Bankson, Nicholas. | London: University park press. | 1977 |
100. | Barron's how to prepare for the graduate record examination. | Brounstein., and Weiner. | Barron's Educational Series. | 1981 |
101. | Barron's How to prepare for the TOEFL. | Sharpe, Pamela J. | New Delhi : Galgotia Publications | 1982 |
102. | Basic concerns in test validation. | Palmer, Adrain S., and Lyle F. Bachman. | ELT Documents. | 1981 |
103. | Beyond the language classroom a study of communicative abilities in adult immigrants following intensive instruction. | D'Anglejan, Alison., and others. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1986 |
104. | Children's understanding and cultural factors in reading test performance. | Hannon, Peter., and Joe, Mc. Nally. | Educational Review. | 1986 |
105. | Classroom and workshop tested games, puzzles and activities for the elementary school. | Kinghorn, Harriet. | NewYork: Parker Publishing Company. | 1975 |
106. | Classroom based assessment - why and how? | Lee, Barbara. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1989 |
107. | Cloze after thirty years: new uses in language teaching. | Soudek, Miluse., and Lev I. Soudek. | ELT Journal | 1983 |
108. | Cloze procedure and comprehension: an exploratory study across three languages. | Grundin, Hans U., Brother L.C and et al. | Journal of Research in Reading. | 1981 |
109. | Cloze procedure and equivalence. | Porter, D. | Language Learning. | 1978 |
110. | Cloze testing of second language learners. | Wainman, H. | ELT Journal | 1979 |
111. | Cloze tests of second language proficiency and what they measure. | Oller, J.W. | Language Learning. | 1973 |
112. | Cognition and reading: cognitive levels as embodied in test questions. | Alderson, J. Charles., and Yasmeen, Lukmani. | Reading in foreign Languages. | 1989 |
113. | Collecting and analysing student evaluations of foreign language course. | Chaplen, E.F. | ELT Journal. | 1980 |
114. | Colourless green ideas: multiple-choice vocabulary tests. | Hutchings, Geoffrey. | ELT Journal. | 1970 |
115. | Communication strategies and the evaluation of communicative performance. | Ellis, Rod. | ELT Journal. | 1984 |
116. | Communication: how to evaluate it. | Canale, Michael. | Bulletin of the CAAL. | 1981 |
117. | Communicative evaluation with particular reference to self-evaluation. | Scott, Roger. | Bulletin CILA | 1984 |
118. | Communicative language testing. | Davies, Alan. | Journal of Applied Linguistics. | 1985 |
119. | Communicative language testing. | Davies, Alan. | ELT Documents. | 1988 |
120. | Communicative syllabus design. | Munby, J.L. | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | 1978 |
121. | Components of engineering-English reading ability? | Brown, James Dean. | System. | 1988 |
122. | Comprehension questions: about face! | Whitaker, S.F. | ELT Journal | 1983 |
123. | Comprehension testing as semantics plus induction. | Mohan, Bernard A. | Linguistics. | 1973 |
124. | Comprehensions and interpretations. | Urquhart, A.H. | Reading in a Foreign Language | 1987 |
125. | Comprehensive assessment of language proficiency and achievement among learners of English as a foreign language. | Henning, Grant., and others. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1981 |
126. | Computer-assisted language testing. | Davies, Alan. | CALICO Journal. | 1984 |
127. | Computerised adaptive language testing, moving beyond computer assisted testing. | Larson, Jerry W., and Harold S. Madsen. | CALICO Journal. | 1985 |
128. | Computer-mediated testing: a branched programme achievement test. | Boyle, Thomas A., and et al. | Modern Language Journal. | 1976 |
129. | Concerning the diagnosis and remedying of lack of competence in a second language. | Traill, A. | Language Learning | 1968 |
130. | Constructing evaluation instruments. | Furst, Edward J. | NewYork: David McKay Co. | 1958 |
131. | Context in reading and listening: variations in approach to cloze tasks. | Neville, Mary H., and A.K.Pugh. | Reading Research Quarterly. | 1977 |
132. | Contextualized vocabulary Tests - 1 & 2. | Hill, L.A. | London: Oxford University Press. | 1970 |
133. | Conversational cloze as a measure of oral ability. | Hughes, Arthur. | ELT Journal. | 1981 |
134. | Conversational cloze tests and conversational ability. | Brown, David. | ELT Journal. | 1983 |
135. | Conversational cloze tests for advanced learners. | Lennon, Paul. | ELT Journal. | 1989 |
136. | Conversational cloze. | Hughes, Arthur. | Studi Itallandi linguistic ed Applicata. | 1980 |
137. | Course in evaluation methodology and examination - basic level: lessons. | Association of Indian Universities. | New Delhi: AIU Publications. | 1985 |
138. | Course in evaluation methodology and examinations - special professional / advanced level: lessons. | Association of Indian Universities. | New Delhi: AIU Publications. | 1987 |
139. | Course in evaluation methodology and examinations-intermediate level: lessons. | Association of Indian Universities. | New Delhi: AIU Publications. | 1986 |
140. | Criteria for the evaluation of news stories. | Viswanatham, K. | Gaveshana (Telugu) | 1988 |
141. | Criteria of status evaluation in India. | Malik, S.C (ed.). | Simla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study. | 1977 |
142. | Criterion referenced measurement. | Popham, W. James. | Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. | 1978 |
143. | Criterion referenced testing. | Singh, Pritam. | New Delhi : NCERT | 1983 |
144. | Cross-cultural pragmatics and the testing of communicative competence. | Olshtain, Elite., and Shoshana Blum-Kulka. | Language Testing. | 1985 |
145. | Cross-cultural testing: what to test. | Upshur, J.A. | Language Learning | 1966 |
146. | Current developments in language testing. | Hughes, Arthur., and Don Porter (eds.). | London: Academic Press. | 1983 |
147. | Current research on an integrative test of English grammar. | Bowen, J. Donald. | RELC Journal. | 1976 |
148. | Current trends in second language testing. | Briere, Eugene J. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1969 |
149. | Curriculum evaluation in schools. | Mc Cormick, Robert., and Mary James. | London: Croom Helm Ltd. | 1983 |
150. | Curriculum evaluation: units 16, 20 and 21. | Jenkins, David., et al. | Milton Keynes: The Open University Press. | 1976 |
151. | Derivational complexity and item difficulty in a sentence repetition task. | Perkins, Kyle., Sheila R.Brutten., and et al. | Language Learning. | 1986 |
152. | Design and three-item paradigms. | Denham, Particia A. | ELT Journal. | 1974 |
153. | Determining the reliability, validity, and scalability of the graduated dictation test. | Fouly, Kamal A., Gary A. Cziko. | Language Learning. | 1985 |
154. | Developing a measure of sociocultural competence, the case of apology. | Cohen, Andrew D., and Elite Olshtain. | Language Learning. | 1981 |
155. | Developing criteria for textbook evaluation. | Williams, David. | ELT Journal | 1983 |
156. | Development and disorders of written language: Vol. I: Picture story language test. | Myklebust, Helmer R. | NewYork: Grune and Stratton. | 1965 |
157. | Diagnostic evaluation and remediation for effective learning. | Singh, Pritam. | New Delhi : NCERT | 1986 |
158. | Diagnostic testing of the intelligibility of Thai and Japanese speakers of English as a foreign language. | Murray, D.E. | Working papers of the Speech and Language Research Centre. | 1982 |
159. | Dictation as a device for testing foreign-language proficiency. | Oller Jhon W. Jr. | ELT Journal. | 1971 |
160. | Dictation as a measure of communicative competence in French as a second language. | Savignon, Sandra J. | Language Learning | 1982 |
161. | Dictation: a test of grammar-based expectancies. | Oller, Jhon W., and Virginia Streiff. | ELT Journal. | 1975 |
162. | Dictionaries and test of EFL reading comprehension. | Bensoussan, Marsha. | ELT Journal. | 1983 |
163. | Direct evaluation of second-language proficiency: the effect of rater and scale in oral interview. | Mullen, Karen A. | Language Learning. | 1978 |
164. | Discourse analysis in language testing. | Shohamy, Elana. | Annual Review of Applied Linguistics | 1990 |
165. | Discrepancy identification tests: an exercise in concentrated listening. | Pedley, Alan. | Modern Languages. | 1988 |
166. | Distrartor efficiency in foreign-language testing. | Goodrich, Hubbard C. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1977 |
167. | Do learner variables affect cloze correlations? | Ilyin, Donna., and others. | System. | 1987 |
168. | Do you understand? can listening comprehension be measured? | Antier, Maurice. | Langues Modernes. | 1985 |
169. | Does the testing method make a difference? The case of reading comprehension. | Shohamy, Elana. | Language Testing | 1984 |
170. | Educational and psychological measurement and evaluation. (sixth ed.). | Hopkins, Kenneth D., and Julian C. Stanley. | New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. | 1981 |
171. | Educational evaluation | Popham, W.James. | Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. | 1975 |
172. | Educational evaluation: theory and practice. (2nd edn.) | Patel, R.N. | Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House. | 1985 |
173. | Educational measurement and evaluation (2nd ed.). | Nunally, J.C. | NewYork: McGraw-Hill. | 1972 |
174. | Educational measurement. | Lindeman, R.H. | Bombay: D.B. Taraporevala Sons and Co. Pvt. Ltd. | 1971 |
175. | Educational measurement. | Lindquist, E.F (ed.). | Washington: American Council on Education. | 1951 |
176. | Educational tests and measurement: an introduction. | Nitko, Anthony J. | NewYork: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. | 1983 |
177. | Effects of test disclosure on performance on the test of English as a foreign language. | Hale, Gordon A., Paul J. Angelis., and et al. | Language Testing. | 1983 |
178. | Elementary statistics: an applied approach. | Ullman, N.R. | NewYork : John Wiley | 1978 |
179. | English language proficiency and prediction of academic success. | Graham, Janet C. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1987 |
180. | English tests and reviews: a monograph consisting of the English sections of the seventh mental measurements year books. (1938-72) and tests in print II (1974). | Buros, Oscar Krisen. | New Jersey: The Gryphon Press. | 1975 |
181. | Error evaluation: the importance of view point. | Davies, Eirlys E. | ELT Journal. | 1983 |
182. | ESL expectations in examining: the problem of English as a foreign language and English as a mother tongue. | Davies, Alan. | Language Testing. | 1984 |
183. | Essentials of educational measurement. | Ebel, R.L. | Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall Inc. | 1979 |
184. | Essentials of psychological testing. (2nd ed.). | Cronbach, L.J. | NewYork: Harper and Row Publishers. | 1960 |
185. | Ethnography in educational evaluation. | Fetterman, David M. (ed.) | New Delhi: Sage Publications. | 1984 |
186. | Evaluating a computer-adaptive ESL placement test. | Madsen, Harold S. | CALICO Journal. | 1986 |
187. | Evaluating action programmes: readings in social action and education. | Weiss, C.H. | Boston : Alleyn & Bacon | 1972 |
188. | Evaluating books for children and young people. | Huus, Helen (ed.). | Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association. | 1968 |
189. | Evaluating communicative competence in a school environment. | Mothe, Jean-Claude. | Francais dans le monde. | 1981 |
190. | Evaluating curriculum proposals: A critical guide. | Anderson, Digby C. | London: Croom Helm Ltd. | 1981 |
191. | Evaluating educational television and radio. | Bates, Tony, and John Robinson (eds.). | Milton Keynes, U.K.: The open University Press. | 1977 |
192. | Evaluating foreign language competence using content analytic indicators. | Schwibbe, Gudrun., and others. | Die Neueren Sprachen | 1985 |
193. | Evaluating information: A guide for users of social science research. | Katzer, J., K.H. Cook., and et al. | Reading, MA: Addison Wesley. | 1978 |
194. | Evaluating instruction | Popham, W.James. | New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. | 1973 |
195. | Evaluating spoken English: a new approach to the testing of Listening comprehension. | Emery, Peter G. | ELT Journal. | 1980 |
196. | Evaluating student achievement: In Peter F. Oliva (1969), The teaching of foreign languages. | Oliva, Peter F. | Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice-Hall. | 1969 |
197. | Evaluating students progress in language learning. | Gommes-Judge, Anne. | Audio-Visual Language Journal. | 1967 |
198. | Evaluating teaching effectiveness-a practical guide. | Braskamp., Larry A., Dale C. Brandenburg and et al. | London: Sage Publications. | 1984 |
199. | Evaluating the Foreign Language Programme: In Peter F. Oliva, The teaching of foreign language. | Oliva, Peter F. | Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice-Hall Inc. | 1969 |
200. | Evaluation and testing: an introduction to terminology. | Subbiah, Pon. | Mysore : CIIL | 1990 |
201. | Evaluation at the elementary stage: a book readings. | Singh, Pritam. (ed.) | New Delhi : NCERT | 1986 |
202. | Evaluation Basics: A practitioner's manual. | Kosecoff, Jacqueline B., and Arlene Fink. | California: Sage Publications. | 1982 |
203. | Evaluation in language education. | Narasima Rao, K.V.V.L. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1980 |
204. | Evaluation in the context of a communicative approach. | Roe, P. | Revue de Phonetique Appliquee. | 1982 |
205. | evaluation of diagnostic systems : methods from signal detection theory | Swebs, Jhon A., and Ronald M. Pickett. | NewYork Academic Press, Inc. | 1982 |
206. | Evaluation of institutionalised varieties of English and its implications for placement and pedagogy. | Kenkel, James M., and Richard W. Tucker. | World Englishes. | 1989 |
207. | Evaluation of oral comprehension. | Harding, Ann., and Francois Weiss. | Francais dans le monde. | 1979 |
208. | Evaluation of teacher education programmes in reading. | Ransom, Grayce A. (ed.). | Delaware: International Reading Association. | 1973 |
209. | Evaluation of teaching of English to German children of pre-school Age. | Schmid-Schonbein, Gisela. | ELT Journal | 1980 |
210. | Evaluation of the Bangalore Project. | Beretta, Alan., and Alan Davies. | ELT Journal. | 1985 |
211. | Evaluation of the foreign language programme: In Grittner, Frank M., Teaching Foreign Languages. | Grittner, Frank M. | London: Harper and Row Publishers. | 1969 |
212. | Evaluation of theories on child grammars. | Geest, Ton Vander. | The Hague: Mouton and Co. N.V. Publishers. | 1974 |
213. | Evaluation research and practice: comparative and international perspectives. | Levine, Robert A., Marian A. Soloman., and et al. | London: Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. | 1981 |
214. | Evaluation research methods: A basic guide. | Rutman, L. (ed.) | Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. | 1977 |
215. | Evaluation research: methods for assessing programme effectiveness. | Weiss, C.H. | Englewood Cliffs, N.J : Prentice Hall | 1972 |
216. | Evaluation studies review annual Vol. 11. | Cordray, David S., and Mark W. Lipsey (eds.). | Beverly Hills (California): Sage Publications. | 1987 |
217. | Evaluation Studies: Review Annual. Vol. 7. | House, Ernest R., and Associates (eds.). | London: Sage Publications. | 1982 |
218. | Evaluation: A systematic approach (2nd ed.). | Rossi, P.H., and H.E.Freeman. | Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. | 1982 |
219. | Evaluation: In Theodore Huebener, (1969), How to teach foreign language effectively. (Revised & 2nd print). | Huebener, Theodore. | NewYork: NewYork University Press. | 1969 |
220. | Evaluative research: Principles and practice in public service and social action programmes. | Suchman, E.A. | NewYork : Russell, Sage | 1967 |
221. | Examination reforms in India. | Srivastava, H.S. | Paris : UNESCO | 1979 |
222. | Examinations and English education. | Wiseman, Stephen (ed.). | Manchester : Manchester University Press | 1961 |
223. | Examining examination papers. | Swales, John. | English Language Research Journal | 1982 |
224. | Examining the spoken English of students of European business studies: purposes, problems and perspectives. | Alexander, Richard. | System. | 1988 |
225. | Experiences in language. (tools and techniques for language arts methods) | Petty, Walter T., Dorothy C.Petty., and et al. | Allyn and Baycon. | 1976 |
226. | Experimental design: Procedures for the behavioural sciences. | Kirk, R.E. | Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. | 1968 |
227. | Field independence: a source of language test variance? | Chapelle, Carol. | Language Testing. | 1988 |
228. | Field notes on cross-cultural testing. | Seelye, H.Ned. | Language Learning | 1966 |
229. | Finding the level of foreign language knowledge necessary for reading professional texts. | Duskova, Libuse., and Eduard Benes. | Bulletin of the University. | 1967 |
230. | Foreign language proficiency testing: a selected, annotated guide to standardised instruments, rating scales and literature. | Rossi, Gary J. | French Review. | 1983 |
231. | Foreign language programme evaluation: In Emma M.Birkmail, Foreign language education. | Hatfield, William N. | Illinois: National Textbook Co. | 1976 |
232. | Foreign language testing in the United States. | Clark, John L.D. | Audio-Visual Language Journal. | 1971 |
233. | Foreign language testing: a current view. | Whiteson, Valerie. | ELT Journal | 1981 |
234. | Foreign language testing: Specialised bibliography-1. (2nd ed.). | Trim, J.L. Trim., and J.A.Price. (eds.) | London : Centre for information | 1981 |
235. | Foreign language testing: theory and practice. | Clark, John L.D. | Philadelphia: Centre for Curriculum Development. | 1972 |
236. | Foreign language tests: tests, tests of knowledge, tests of savoir faire. | Schwarz, Michael P.M. | Francais dans Monde | 1981 |
237. | Foreign languages in the national curriculum: what to teach and how to test? a proposal for the languages task group. | Neil, Derek. | Modern Languages. | 1989 |
238. | Formative assessment of student performance: the role of self-appraisal. | Rea, Pauline M. | Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics. | 1981 |
239. | From achievement through proficiency through classroom instruction: some caveats. | Schulz, Renate A. | Modern Language Journal | 1986 |
240. | From school to university: language policy and performance at the University of Khartoum. | Douglas, Dan. | International Journal of the Sociology of Language. | 1986 |
241. | GCSE: Motorway or cul-de-sac? | Page, Brain. | ATI Journal. | 1986 |
242. | GCSE: Some problems and opportunities. | Littlewood, William. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1986 |
243. | Graded objectives and tests for modern languages: an evaluation. | Buckby, Michael. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1981 |
244. | Grading classroom oral activities: effects on motivation and proficiency. | Hahn, Sidney L., and others. | Foreign Language Annals. | 1989 |
245. | Grammar and the ACTFL oral proficiency interview: discussion and data. | Magnan, Sally Sieloff. | Modern Language Journal. | 1988 |
246. | Guide to the standard progressive matrics: sets. A B C D and E. | Raven, J.C. | London: H.K. Lewis and Co., Ltd. | 1960 |
247. | Hand Book in Research and Evaluation. | Issac, S., and W.B. William. | San Diego CA: Edits. | 1971 |
248. | Hand book on objective testing in French. | Park, B., and J.D.Simpson. | London: Methuen Educational. | 1974 |
249. | Handbook of evaluation research (Vol. 1). | Struening, E.L., and M.Guttentag (eds.). | Beverly Hills, CA : Sage | 1975 |
250. | Handbook of Evaluation Research. (Vol. 2). | Guttentag, M., and E.T.Struening (eds.). | Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. | 1975 |
251. | Handbook of measurement and assessment in behavioral sciences. | Whitta, D.K. (ed.) | Reading, Addison Wesley | 1968 |
252. | Handbook of teacher evaluation. | Millman, Jason (ed.). | Beverly Hills, London: Sage Publications. | 1981 |
253. | Handbook on question bank [(Vinaa vangik Kaiyeedu (Tamil)]. | Bhat, N. Raghavendra. | Madras: University of Madras. | 1977 |
254. | Health programme evaluation. | Shortell, S.M., and W.C.Richardson. | St.Louis, MO : C.V.Mosby | 1978 |
255. | Holistic evaluation of ESL compositions: can it be validated objectively? | Homburg, Taco Justus. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1984 |
256. | How free should the composition be? | Doble, Gordon. | Modern Languages. | 1974 |
257. | How to design a program evaluation. | Fitz-Gibbon, Carol Taylor., and Lynn Lyons Morris. | London: Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. | 1978 |
258. | How to evaluate education programmes. | Fink, A., and J. Kosecoff. | Arlington, Virginia: Capital Publications. | 1977 |
259. | How to measure attitudes. | Henerson, Marlene E., Morris Lynn Lyons., and et al. | London: Sage Publications. | 1978 |
260. | How to measure programme implementation. | Morris, Lynn Lyons., and Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon. | Beverly Hills, London: Sage Publications. | 1978 |
261. | How to measure the achievement. | Morris, Lynn Lyons., and Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon. | London: Sage Publications. | 1978 |
262. | Improved oral test scores through delayed response. | Meredith, R.Alan. | Modern Language Journal. | 1978 |
263. | Improving ESL placement tests using two perspectives. | Brown, James Dean. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1989 |
264. | Improving multiple-choice grammar tests in German. | Valette, Rebecca M. | German Quarterly | 1967 |
265. | Improving the psychometric, criterion-referenced and practical qualities of integrative language tests. | Cziko, Gary A. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1982 |
266. | Intelligence and attainment tests. | Vernon, P.E. | London : University of London Press Ltd. | 1972 |
267. | Intelligence tests. | Rai, Ajay. | New Delhi: Sterling Publishers. | 1985 |
268. | Intelligence, reasoning and language proficiency. | Boyle, Joseph P. | Modern Language Journal. | 1987 |
269. | Interest and personality inventories. | Cottle, William C. | NewYork: Houghton Mifflin Company. | 1968 |
270. | International proficiency tests developed for the IEA | Massad, Carolyn Emrick. | ELT Documents. | 1980 |
271. | Inter-relationships among three tests of language proficiency: standardised ESL, cloze, and writing. | Hanania, Edith., and Shikhani May. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1986 |
272. | Introducing a new comprehensive test of oral proficiency. | Shohamy, Elana., and others. | ELT Journal | 1986 |
273. | Introduction to educational measurement (2nd edn.). | Noll, Victor H. | Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. | 1965 |
274. | Introductory multivariate analysis for educational, psychological, and social research. | Amick, D.J., and H.J. Walberg. (eds). | Burdely, CA: Mocutchan. | 1975 |
275. | Introductory readings in educational measurement. | Noll, Victor H., Dale P. Scannell., and et al. | Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. | 1972 |
276. | Investigating occupational communication needs in the perspective of communicative performance testing. | Ricciardi, Joseph., and Edwards Gregg. | TESL Talk. | 1982 |
277. | Is language proficiency testing due for a face lift? | White, Tom C. | Lenguas Modernas | 1975 |
278. | Issues in the testing of English for specific purposes. | Skehan, Peter. | Language Testing | 1984 |
279. | Item response theory and the assumption of unidimensionality for language tests. | Henning, Grant., and others. | Language Testing. | 1985 |
280. | Item response theory. | Woods, Anthony., and Rosemary Baker. | Language Testing | 1985 |
281. | Judging another by one's own standards what progmatics reveals in the evaluation of language use. | Marsh, David. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1988 |
282. | Language and language learning: theory and practice. (2nd ed.). | Brooks, Nelson. | NewYork: Harcourt, Brace and World. | 1964 |
283. | Language aptitude - a review. | Skehan, Peter. | English Language Research Journal | 1980 |
284. | Language assessment and intervention. | Wiig, E.H., and E.M.Semel. | Columbus : Bell and Howell company | 1980 |
285. | Language assessment for remediation. | Muller, David J., Sian M. Munro., and et al. | London: Groom Helm Ltd. | 1981 |
286. | Language hand book: concepts, assessment, intervention. | Muma, John R. | Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. | 1978 |
287. | Language in education: testing the tests. | Oller, Jhon W.Jr., and Kyle Perkins. | Rowley, Mas: New bury House. | 1978 |
288. | Language proficiency interview testing. | Keitges, David J. | JALT Journal. | 1982 |
289. | Language Proficiency Tests in Malayalam. | Kumari, B.Syamala. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1984 |
290. | Language testing and academic accountability: on re-defining the role of language testing in language teaching. | Stevenson, Douglas K. | IRAL | 1981 |
291. | Language testing and ethics. | Hamp-Lyons, Liz. | Prospect. | 1989 |
292. | Language testing hand book. | Harrison, Andrew. | London: MacMillan. | 1983 |
293. | Language testing symposium: a psycholinguistic approach. | Davies, Alan (ed.). | London: Oxford University Press. | 1970 |
294. | Language Testing: In "Valeri Kinsella (ed.), Surveys-I". | Davies, Alan. | Cambridge: CUP. | 1982 |
295. | Language Testing: In D.P. Pattanayak, Aspects of Applied Linguistics. | Pattanayak, D.P. | New Delhi: Asia Publishing House. | 1969 |
296. | Language Testing: in The Edinburgh Course in Applied Linguistics. | Ingram, Elizabeth. | | 1974 |
297. | Language Testing: Parts I & II (State of the art articles) | Skehan, Peter. | Language Testing | 1989 |
298. | Language testing: past and current status-directions for the future. | Clark, John L.D. | Modern Language Journal. | 1983 |
299. | Language testing: the construction and use of foreign language tests. | Lado, Rabert. | London: Longmans. | 1961 |
300. | Language tests at school: a pragmatic approach. | Oller, Jhon W.Jr. | London: Langman group Ltd. | 1979 |
301. | Language tests: a critical re-evaluation. | Truchot, Claude. | Langues Modernes | 1971 |
302. | Large-scale oral testing. | Walker, Clifford. | Applied Linguistics | 1990 |
303. | Le SAID System. | Beaudot, Alain Le. | Langues Modernes. | 1967 |
304. | Linguistic and cultural bias in language proficiency tests. | Zheng, Chen., and Grant Henning. | Language Testing | 1985 |
305. | Listening a single trait in first and second language learning. | de Jong, John H.A.L. | Toegepaste Taavvetenschap in Artikelen. | 1984 |
306. | Listening comprehension: teaching or testing? | Sheerin, Susan. | ELT Journal | 1987 |
307. | Listening comprehension-factorial analysis. | Spearritt, Donald. | Melbourne : Australian Council for Educational Research | 1962 |
308. | Listening recall - a listening comprehension test for low proficiency learners. | Henning, Grant. | System. | 1983 |
309. | Listening tests for modern languages: some new possibilities. | de Jong, John H.A.L. | Levende Talen. | 1982 |
310. | Literary evaluation. | Kannan, Lakshmi. | Journal of Tamil Studies. | 1979 |
311. | Make your own language tests: A practical guide to writing language performance tests. | Carroll, Brendan J., and Patrick J. Hall. | The Hague: Pergamon Press Ltd. | 1985 |
312. | Making classroom testing useful to teachers and learners. | Antony, Kunnan John. | Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics. | 1986 |
313. | Making the class-room test: A guide for teachers. (3rd ed.) | Educational Testing Service. | Princeton, N.J.: ETS Publications. | 1969 |
314. | Meanings and implications of the principle of local independence. | Henning, Grant. | Language Testing. | 1989 |
315. | Measurement and evaluation in education | Pillai, K. Sivadasan. | Trivandrum: Kalaniketan. | 1977 |
316. | Measurement and evaluation in education and psychology. | Mehrens, William A., and Irvin J.Lehmann | NewYork: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. | 1973 |
317. | Measurement and evaluation in education. (4th edn.) | Bhatia, K.K. | Ludiana: Parkash Brothers. | 1980 |
318. | Measurement and evaluation in psychology and education. (2nd edn.) | Thorndike, Robert L., and Elizabeth Hagen. | New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 1961 |
319. | Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching. (3rd edn.). | Gronlund, N.E. | NewYork: Macmillan Publishing Co. | 1976 |
320. | Measurement for educational evaluation (2nd ed.) | Chase, Clinton I. | London: Addison - Wesley Publishing Co. | 1978 |
321. | Measurement of reading achievement: an annotated biliography. | Farr, Roger. | Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association. | 1971 |
322. | Measures of language proficiency from the learners perspective. | Farhady, Hossein. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1982 |
323. | Measuring educational achievement. | Ebel, R.L. | New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India. | 1966 |
324. | Measuring ESL readers ability to apply reasoning in reading: a validity study of the TOEFL reading comprehension subject. | Perkins, Kyle. | Journal of Research in Reading. | 1988 |
325. | Measuring foreign language reading comprehension. | Henning, Grant. | Language Learning. | 1975 |
326. | Measuring learning outcomes: Block 6. | The open University. | Walton Hall : The Open University Press | 1981 |
327. | Measuring linguistic competence in a foreign language. | Fishcer, Robert A. | IRAL. | 1981 |
328. | Measuring oral production in EFL. | Seward, B.H. | ELT Journal | 1973 |
329. | Measuring passage contribution to ESL reading comprehension. | Perkins, Kyle., and James Barbara. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1985 |
330. | Measuring proficiency in using English syntax. | Budd, Roger. | System. | 1988 |
331. | Measuring pronunciation accuracy using computerised techniques. | Major, Roy C. | Language Testing. | 1987 |
332. | Measuring reading performance. | Blanton, William E., Roger Farr., et al. (eds.). | Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association. | 1974 |
333. | Models of second language competence: A structural approach. | Sang, F., and others. | Language Testing. | 1986 |
334. | Modern educational testing. | Singha, H.S. | New Delhi : Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. | 1974 |
335. | Modern language examinations at sixteen plus: a critical analysis. | Moys, Alan., A.Harding., and et al. | London: CILT. | 1980 |
336. | Modern language testing: a hand book. | Valette, Rebecca M. | NewYork : Harcourt, Brace & world | 1977 |
337. | Modified cloze procedure: a more valid reading comprehension test. | Porter, D. | ELT Journal. | 1976 |
338. | Monitoring attainment in the Welsh language in schools. | Price, Eurwen. | Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. | 1980 |
339. | Monograph on grading for universities. | Association of Indian Universities. | New Delhi: AIU Publications. | 1977 |
340. | Monograph on internal assessment for universities. | Association of Indian Universities. | New Delhi: AIU Publications. | 1984 |
341. | Monograph on practical examinations for universities. (2nd ed.) | Natarajan, V. | New Delhi: AIU Publications. | 1982 |
342. | Monograph on question banking for universities. | Association of Indian Universities. | New Delhi: AIU Publications. | 1977 |
343. | Monograph on semester system for universities. | Natarajan, V. | New Delhi: AIU Publications. | 1979 |
344. | Monograph on syllabus analysis and restructuring. | Association of Indian Universities. | New Delhi: AIU Publications. | 1984 |
345. | Monograph on test and item analysis for universities | Association of Indian Universities. | New Delhi : AIU Publications | 1977 |
346. | More questions on assumptions about cloze testing. | Foley, Joseph A. | RELC Journal. | 1983 |
347. | Multiple choice language tests. | Matthews-Bresky, R.J.H. | ELT Journal. | 1978 |
348. | Multiple-choice questions: a close Look. | Educational Testing Service. | Princeton, N.J.: ETS Publications. | 1963 |
349. | Multivariate analysis: techniques for educational and psychological research. | Tatsuoka, M.M. | New York : John Wiley | 1971 |
350. | Native speaker reactions to speakers of ESL: implications for adult basic education oral English proficiency testing. | Mattran, Kenneth J. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1977 |
351. | New alternatives in EFL exams, or how to avoid selling English short. | Madsen, Harold S. | ELT Journal. | 1976 |
352. | New approaches in psychological measurement. | Kline, P (ed.). | London: John Wiley and Sons. | 1973 |
353. | New procedures for validating proficiency tests of ESP? Theory and practice. | Alderson, J. Charles. | Language Testing. | 1988 |
354. | Non-native raters determining oral proficiency of EFL learners. | Jafarpur, Abdoljavad. | System. | 1988 |
355. | Normative testing and bilingual populations. | Baker, Colin, | Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. | 1988 |
356. | Objective testing. | Machintosh, H.G., and R.B. Morrison. | London: University of London Press Ltd. | 1969 |
357. | On determining levels of reading skill in the foreign language. | Korjakovceva, N.F. | Deutsch als Fremdsprache. | 1977 |
358. | On hierarchies of reading skills and text types. | Lee, James F., and Diane Musumeci. | Modern Language Journal. | 1988 |
359. | On taking language tests: what the students report. | Cohen, Andrew D. | Language Testing. | 1984 |
360. | On the development of the attitude motivation test battery. | Gardner, R.C., and P.C. Smythe. | Canadian Modern Language Reveiw. | 1981 |
361. | On the marking of foreign-language compositions: a computer-aided analysis. | Benham, G.F., and J.K.A Thomaneck. | Modern Languages. | 1976 |
362. | On the relationship between knowing and using linguistic forms. | Bialystok, Ellen. | Applied Linguistics. | 1982 |
363. | On the theory of achievement test items. | Bormuth, John R. | Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. | 1970 |
364. | On the use of composition scoring techniques, objective measures, and objective tests to evaluate ESL writing ability. | Perkins, Kyle. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1983 |
365. | On validating a pronunciation test. | de Jong, W.N. | ELT Journal. | 1977 |
366. | Operationalising uncertainty in language testing: an argument in favour of content validity. | Davies, Alan. | Language Testing. | 1988 |
367. | Optimum time for an objective test. | Viswanatham, K. | System | 1987 |
368. | Oral expression tests (2). | Robinson, Peter. | ELT Journal. | 1971 |
369. | Oral language tests for bilingual students: an evaluation of language dominance and proficiency instruments. | Silverman, Robert J., and Roslyn K.Noa., and et al. | Poland, Or:Center for Bilingual Education | 1976 |
370. | Oral proficiency testing in the United States. | Barnwell, David. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1988 |
371. | Oral proficiency testing: comparative validities of interview, imitation, and completion methods. | Henning, Grant. | Language Learning. | 1983 |
372. | Oral proficiency testing: meeting a variety of needs. | Reschke, Claus. | Die Unterrichtspraxis. | 1984 |
373. | Oral testing in the examination context: the short talk and its summary. | Eubanks, Frances. | Perspectives. | 1984 |
374. | Oral-proficiency testing: a critical analysis. | Lantolf, James P., and William Frawley. | Modern Language Journal. | 1985 |
375. | Orals-the real issue in foreign languages. | McCrory, D.P. | Modern Languages. | 1987 |
376. | Papers on language testing. (Occasional papers No. 18). | Read, John A.S. (ed.) | Singapore: Seameo Regional Language Centre. | 1981 |
377. | Peer evaluation in practice. | Lynch, Tony. | ELT Documents. | 1988 |
378. | Performance measures in L2: classification and correlations. | Connors, Kathleen. | Bulletin of the CAAL. | 1983 |
379. | Performance on cloze tests with fixed-ratio and rational deletions. | Bachman, Lyle F. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1985 |
380. | Person dimensionality in language test validation. | Lynch, Brain., and et al. | Language Testing. | 1988 |
381. | Personnel selection: test and measurement techniques. | Thorndike, Robert L. | NewYork : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 1961 |
382. | Perspectives in measurement and evaluation: a study guide. (Prepared by Daniel J. Muller). | Thorndike, Robert L., and Elizabeth Hagen. | NewYork : John Wiley & sons, Inc. | 1977 |
383. | Perspectives in reading: the evaluation of children's reading achievement. | Barrett, Thomas C. (ed.). | Neward, Delaware: International Reading Association. | 1969 |
384. | Planning and evaluating non-formal education: a systems model. | Sharma, Motilal. | Ambala : The Indian Publications | 1980 |
385. | Post-tests, and results. (In Scherer, A.C. George., et al (1964)A Psycholinguistic Experiment in Foreign Language Teaching). | Scherer, A.C.George., and Michael, Wertheimer. | NewYork : Mc Graw-Hill, Inc.Book Co. | 1964 |
386. | Practical problems for communicative and language testing. | Ducroquet, Lucille. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1986 |
387. | Predicting success in intensive foreign language courses. | Currall, Steven C ., and Roger E. Kirk. | Modern Language Journal. | 1986 |
388. | Preparation and evaluation of text books in mother tongue: principles and procedures. | Rastogi, K.G., G.D.Sharma., and et al. | New Delhi: NCERT. | 1970 |
389. | Preparation and evaluation of textbooks in english principles and procedures | NCERT. | New Delhi: NCERT Publications. | 1970 |
390. | Principles for language test within the discourse domains theory of inter-language. | Douglas, Dan., and Larry Selinker. | Language Testing. | 1985 |
391. | Principles of test design for an initial evaluation of overseas students in Britain. | Seaton, Ian. | Etudes de Linguistique appliquee, | 1981 |
392. | Prior knowledge and reading comprehension test bias. | Johnston, Peter. | Reading Research Quarterly. | 1984 |
393. | Problems in examining the validity of the ACTFL oral proficiency interview. | Bachman, Lyle F. | Studies in Second Language Acquisition. | 1988 |
394. | Procedures in language test validation. | Davies, Alan. | ELT Documents. | 1988 |
395. | Prochievement testing of speaking. | Gonzalez Pino, Barbara. | Foreign Language Annals. | 1989 |
396. | Production vs. comprehension: differences in underlying competences. | Flynn, Suzanne. | Studies in Second Language Acquisition. | 1986 |
397. | Proficiency testing in French at the University of Southern California. | Babcock, Arthur. | French Review. | 1985 |
398. | Proficiency: understanding the construct. | Lantolf, James P., and William Frawley. | Studies in Second Language Acquisition. | 1988 |
399. | Program evaluation in social research. | Morell, Jonathan. | NewYork: Pergamon Press. | 1979 |
400. | Pronunciation testing-What did you say? | Hole, Jonquil. | ELT Journal. | 1983 |
401. | Psycholinguistic experiments in foreign language testing. | Anderson, Jonathan. | StLucia: University of Queensland Press. | 1976 |
402. | Psychological and Educational assessment of minority children. | Oakland, Thomas (ed.). | NewYork: Brunner Mazel, Publishers. | 1977 |
403. | Psychological testing (3rd ed.). | Anastasi, Anne | New York : The Macmillan Ltd. | 1968 |
404. | Psychological tests. | Anstey, Edgar. | London: Nelson. | 1966 |
405. | Psychometric methods. (2nd ed.) | Guilford, J.P. | NewYork: McGraw Hill. | 1954 |
406. | Psychometric theory (2nd ed.). | Nunally, J.C. | NewYork: McGraw-Hill. | 1978 |
407. | Qualitative evaluation methods. | Patton, M.O. | Beverly Hills. | 1980 |
408. | Question Bank: book series. English language and literature. (3rd ed.). | Association of Indian Universities. | New Delhi: AIU Publications. | 1983 |
409. | Reading comprehension test papers. | Land, Geoffery. | London: Oxford University Press. | 1975 |
410. | Reading comprehension tests (For Std. VIII, IX and X) | Ahuja, G.C., and Pramila Ahuja. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1991 |
411. | Reading comprehension tests: general or subject-specific? | Shoham, Miriam., and others. | System | 1987 |
412. | Reading Diagnosis and Evaluation. | De Boer, Dorothy L. (ed.) | Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association. | 1970 |
413. | Reading tests and reviews II: A monograph consisting of the reading sections of the seventh mental measurements year book (1972) and tests in print II (1974). | Buros, Oscar Krisen. | New Jersey: The Gryphon Press. | 1975 |
414. | Reading: What can be measured? | Farr, Roger. | Newark, Delaware: International Reading Association. | 1969 |
415. | Readings in evaluation research. (2nd ed.) | Caro, F.G. (ed.). | NewYork: Sage Publications. | 1977 |
416. | Reliability and validity of the secondary level English proficiency test. | Stansfield, Charles W. | System | 1984 |
417. | Reliability assessment of written communicative skills. | Green, Peter S., and Karlheinz Hecht. | Finlance. | 1984 |
418. | Repetition and dictation as language testing techniques. | Natalicio, Diana S. | Modern Language Journal. | 1979 |
419. | Research in oral secondary-school leaving examinations in Germany. | Ingenkamp, K., and B. Wolf. | British Journal of Educational Psychology. | 1982 |
420. | Scoring written work in English as a second language: the use of the t-unit. | Gipps, C., and E. Ewen. | Educational Research. | 1974 |
421. | Secondary school students cannot translate. | Koster, C.J. | Lavende Talen. | 1981 |
422. | Selecting an achievement test: principles and procedures. | Educational Testing Service. | Princeton, N.J.: ETS Publications. | 1969 |
423. | Selecting samples for testing the hypothesis of divisible versus unitary competence in language proficiency. | Powers, Donald E. | Language Learning. | 1982 |
424. | Self-assessment as a second language placement instrument. | Leblanc, Raymond., and Gisele, Painchaud. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1985 |
425. | Self-assessment of foreign-language skills: implications for teachers and researchers. | Blanche, Patrick., and Barbara J. Merino. | Language Learning. | 1989 |
426. | Self-assessment of language learning by adults: some research findings. | Oskarsson, Mats. | Etudes de Linguistique Appliquee. | 1981 |
427. | Self-assessment of language proficiency: rationale and applications. | Oskarsson, Mats. | Language Testing. | 1989 |
428. | Self-assessment: the units of learner independence. | Blue, George M. | ELT Documents. | 1988 |
429. | Self-evaluation in a course of French as a foreign language. | Raasch, Albert. | Francais dans le Monde. | 1979 |
430. | Short-cut statistics for teacher made tests. (Evaluation and Advisory Service Series No. 5). | Educational Testing Service. | Princeton, N.J.: ETS Publications. | 1964 |
431. | Should we abolish examinations? | Mothe, Jean-Claude. | Francais dans le Monde. | 1978 |
432. | Social experimentation: A method for planning and evaluating social intervention. | Reicken, H.W., and R.F.Boruch. (eds.) | NewYork: Academic. | 1974 |
433. | Social statistics (2nd ed.). | Blalock, Hubert M. | NewYork: McGraw Hill. | 1972 |
434. | Some comments on aptitude testing for foreign-language learning. | Kolarik, Teodor. | Cizi Jazykyve Skole. | 1972 |
435. | Some comments on t-unit research. | Barnwell, David. | System. | 1988 |
436. | Some guidelines for the assessment of oral language proficiency and dominance. | Burt, Marina., and Heidi Dulay. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1978 |
437. | Specifications for an English language testing service. | Carroll, Brendan J. | ELT Documents. | 1981 |
438. | Speech as process. | Byrnes, Heidi. | Foreign Language Annals. | 1987 |
439. | Statistical analysis of social data. | Zeller, R.A., and E.G.Carmines. | Chicago : Rand McNally | 1978 |
440. | Statistical aspects of reliability in language testing. | Krzanowski, Wojtek J., and Anthony J. Woods. | Language Testing. | 1984 |
441. | Statistical literacy: a guide to interpretation. | Hwack, D.G. | North Scituate, MA: Duxbury. | 1979 |
442. | Statistical package for the social sciences (2nd ed.). | Nie, N., H.Hull., and et al. | NewYork: McGraw-Hill. | 1975 |
443. | Statistical principles in experimental design. (2nd ed.) | Winer, J.B. | NewYork : McGraw-Hill | 1971 |
444. | Statistical survey techniques. | Jessen, R.J. | NewYork: John Wiley. | 1978 |
445. | Statistics and measurement in the class-room (2nd ed.). | McFarland, Sujan., and C.F.Hereford. | Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C Brown Company Publishers. | 1971 |
446. | Statistics for experimenters: an introduction to design, data analysis, and model building. | Box, G.E.P., and W.G.Hunter., and et al. | New York: John Wiley. | 1978 |
447. | Statistics in psychology and education. (5th ed.). | Garrett, Henry E. | NewYork: Longmans, Green and Co. | 1958 |
448. | Student affective reactions to oral language tests. | Scott, Mary Lee. | Language Testing | 1986 |
449. | Student major field and text content: interactive effects on reading comprehension in the test of English as a Foreign Language.. | Hale, Gordon A. | Language Testing. | 1988 |
450. | Student personality and success in an English language programme. | Brodkey, Dean., and Howard Shore. | Language Learning. | 1976 |
451. | Student-centered testing: assessing communication in progress. | Harrison, Andrew. | Levende Talen. | 1982 |
452. | Study of the validity of MLAT as predictor of the success rate of Canadian civil servants learning French as a second language. | Monfils, Gerard. | Medium. | 1982 |
453. | Survey design and analyses: Current issues. Sage contemporary social science issues 46. | Alwin, D.F. | Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. | 1978 |
454. | Tailored cloze: improved with classical item analysis techniques. | Browm, James Dean. | Language Testing. | 1988 |
455. | Tamil Vilakku (Tamil) (Second Language Test Series). | Gnanasundaram, V. | Mysore: CIIL. | 1996 |
456. | Task and ability analysis as a basis for examining content and construct comparability in two EFL proficiency test batteries. | Bachman, Lyle F., and others. | Language Testing. | 1988 |
457. | Taxonomy of educational objectives: book 2-affective domain. | Krathwohl, David R., Benjamin S. Bloom., and et al. | NewYork: David Mc Kay Company. | 1971 |
458. | Taxonomy of educational objectives: book I. cognitive domain. | Bloom, Benjamin S.(ed.). | London: Longman group Ltd. | 1956/ 1974 |
459. | 'Teachers' questions, pupils' answers: an investigation of questions and answers in the infant classroom. | French, Peter., and Margaret Maclure. | First Language | 1981 |
460. | Teaching and testing: communicatively. | Swain, Merrill. | TESL Talk | 1984 |
461. | Teaching towards the text and the multiple choice question type test. | Joycey, E. | System. | 1987 |
462. | Techniques for assessing listening comprehension in second language. | Aitken, Kenneth G. | Audio-visual Language Journal. | 1979 |
463. | Techniques for teaching and evaluating conversational English. | Deyoe, Rita M. | ELT Journal. | 1979 |
464. | Teervugal (examinations) In M.S. Thirumalai, Mozhi Karpittal (Tamil). | Thirumalai, M.S. | Madras : Manivaasagar Nuulagam | 1978 |
465. | Test of communicative competence: In S.J. Savignon, Communicative Competence: An experiment in foreign language teaching. | Savignon, Sandra J. | Philadelphia : The Center for Curriculum Development, Inc. | 1972 |
466. | Test scores and what they mean. | Lyman, Howard B. | Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. | 1963 |
467. | Testing ability in english as a second language-2: techniques. | Perren, George. | ELT Journal. | 1967 |
468. | Testing ability in English as a second language-3: spoken language. | Perren, George. | ELT Journal. | 1967 |
469. | Testing advanced communicative competence through role play. | Evans, Colin., and others. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1987 |
470. | Testing and experimental methods: The edinburgh course in applied linguistics. Vol. 4. | Allen, J.P.B. and Alan Davies (eds.). | London: Oxford University. | 1977 |
471. | Testing and its administration in ESP. | Alderson, J. Charles. | KMIT's EST Bulletin. | 1987 |
472. | Testing aural comprehension. | Most, R.L. | Repport d' Activites del' Institute de Phonetique. | 1972 |
473. | Testing communicative competence. | Johns Lewis, Catherine. | MALS Journal. | 1981 |
474. | Testing communicative performance: an interim study. | Carroll, Brendan J. | Oxford: Pergamon Press. | 1980 |
475. | Testing competence in oral communication. | Grenier-Henrie, Anne Marie., and others. | Medium. | 1982 |
476. | Testing EFL Competence. | Cross, David. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1984 |
477. | Testing EFL reading comprehension using a multiple-choice rational cloze. | Bensoussan, Marsha., and Rachel Ramraz. | Modern Language Journal. | 1984 |
478. | Testing English for Specific Purposes: how specific can we get? | Alderson, J. Charles. | ELT Documents. | 1988 |
479. | Testing English for University Study. | Hughes, Arthur (ed.). | ELT Documents. | 1988 |
480. | Testing foreign language learning: In Valdman Albert (ed.) : Trends in Language Teaching. | Pimsleur, Paul. | NewYork: McGraw-Hill. | 1966 |
481. | Testing foreign language reading comprehension, the immediate recall protocol. | Bernhardt, Elizabeth B. | Unterrichtspraxis. | 1983 |
482. | Testing in foreign languages, ESL, and bilingual education. | Lange, Dale L., and Ray T. Clifford. | Arlington, va: Centre for Applied Linguistics. | 1980 |
483. | Testing in post-secondary self-paced instructional programmes. | Schulz, Renate A. | The Canadian Modern Language Review | 1983 |
484. | Testing in the language laboratory: an argument for its efficiency. | Thomaneck, J.K.A., and G.J.A Burgess. | British Journal of Language Teaching | 1980 |
485. | Testing In W.A. Bennett. "Aspects of language and language teaching". | Bennett, W.A. | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | 1968 |
486. | Testing Language Proficiency. | Jones, Randall L., B. Spolsky (eds.). | Arlington: Center for Applied Linguistics. | 1976 |
487. | Testing listening comprehension in the schools of Israel. | Gefen, Raphael. | ELT Journal. | 1981 |
488. | Testing literature in EFL classes: tradition and innovation. | Carter, Ronald., and Michael N. Long. | ELT Journal. | 1990 |
489. | Testing lower intermediate writing: a comparison of two scoring methods. | Cleary, Christopher. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1988 |
490. | Testing meaning construction: can we do it fairly? | Sarig, Gissi. | Language Testing. | 1989 |
491. | Testing oral communication: why and how? | Calderbank, Mark., and M. Awwad. | System. | 1988 |
492. | Testing oral fluency. | Beardsmore, H.B. | Rapport d' Activities de l' Institute de Phonetique. | 1972 |
493. | Testing oral skills at university level. | Townson, Michael. | ELT Journal | 1973 |
494. | Testing pronunciation in the language laboratory. | Whiteson, Valerie. | ELT Journal | 1978 |
495. | Testing pronunciation: an application of generalisability theory. | Van Weeren, J., and T.J.J.M.Theunissen. | Language Learning | 1987 |
496. | Testing reading comprehension: multiple choice vs. short answer questions. | Stathmann, Stella. | ELT Journal | 1979 |
497. | Testing recognition and production with oral stimuli. | Kobersky, Eva. | Contact. | 1969 |
498. | Testing spoken language: A hand book of oral testing techniques. | Underhill, Nic. | Cambridge University Press | 1987 |
499. | Testing student achievements and aptitudes. | Ahmann, J.Stanley. | New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. | 1965 |
500. | Testing the oral English proficiency of foreign Nursing Graduates. | Powers, Donald E., and Charles W. Stanfield. | The ESP Journal. | 1985 |
501. | Testing the second language competence of children and adults. | Robinson, Peter. | ELT Journal. | 1973 |
502. | Testing the skills of writing in a second Language situation. | Viswanatham, K. | Gaveshana (Telugu) | 1987 |
503. | Testing the test of advanced EFL reading comprehension: to what extent does the difficulty of a multiple-choice comprehension test reflect the difficulty of the text? | Bensoussan, Marsha. | System. | 1982 |
504. | Testing writing proficiency at university level. | Nienhuis, L.J.A. | Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen. | 1984 |
505. | Testing, the teacher and the student. | Alderson, J. Charles. | Cahiers de LAPLIUT. | 1984 |
506. | Testing: In Emma M. Birkmaier. (eds.), Foreign language education: an overview. | Valette, Rebecca M. | Skokie Illinois : National Text Book company | 1976 |
507. | Testing-Another point of view. | George, H.V. | ELT Journal. | 1962 |
508. | Tests and assessment. | Bruce, Walsh., and Nancy E. Betz. | Englewood Cliff, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. | 1985 |
509. | Tests and measurements. | Tyler, Leona E. | New Delhi : Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. | 1969 |
510. | Tests of oral performance: the need for data based criteria. | Fulcher, Glenn. | ELT Journal. | 1987 |
511. | Tests of substitution: a simple alternative to cloze. | Cross, David. | System. | 1981 |
512. | Tests of writing ability in English as a foreign language. | Dunlop, I. | ELT Journal. | 1969 |
513. | The accuracy of teacher judgement of the oral proficiency of high school foreign language students. | Levine, Martin G., and George J. Haus. | Foreign Language Annals. | 1987 |
514. | The ACTFL Oral proficiency interview in a Canadian context: the French speaking proficiency of two groups of Ontario high-school graduates. | Hamm, Christiane. | Foreign Language Annals. | 1988 |
515. | The application of cloze procedure to English learned as a foreign language in Papua and New Guinea. | Anderson, Jonathan. | ELT Journal. | 1972 |
516. | The APU testing programme in foreign languages. | Portal, Matthew. | Modern Languages. | 1984 |
517. | The Art of Educational Evaluation: A personal Reveiw. | Eisner, Elliot W. | The Falmer Press. | 1985 |
518. | The assessment of oral performance at O and A level. | Whelpton, Tony. | NIMLA | 1985 |
519. | The assessment of oral skills. | Ellis, Richard J. | Teaching English. | 1981 |
520. | The cloze procedure and proficiency in English as a foreign language. | Alderson, J. Charles. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1979 |
521. | The cloze procedure for placement testing. | Schaefer, Carl F. | Glottodidactica | 1982 |
522. | The cloze technique and ESL proficiency. | Oller, Jhon W., and Christine A. Conrad. | Language Learning. | 1971 |
523. | The cloze test as a measure of second language proficiency for young children. | Swain, Merrill., and others. | Working Papers on Bilingualism | 1976 |
524. | The cloze test as an alternative measure of language proficiency of children considered for exit from bilingual education programs. | Laesch, Kelly Bowers., and Anne Van Kleeck. | Language Learning. | 1987 |
525. | The cloze test: or why small ins't always beautiful. | Sciarone, A.G., and J.J.Schoorl. | Language Learning | 1989 |
526. | The communicational testing of reading. | Lukmani, Y. | ELT Journal. | 1982 |
527. | The construct validation of self-ratings of communicative language ability | Bachman Lyle F., and Palmer Adrain S. | Language Testing | 1989 |
528. | The construct validation of some components of communicative proficiency. | Bachman, Lyle F., and Palmer, Adrain S. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1982 |
529. | The construct validation of the FSI oral interview. | Bachman, Lyle F., and Palmer Adrian S. | Language Learning. | 1981 |
530. | The construction and analysis of short scales of language proficiency: classical psychometric, latent trait, and non parametric approaches. | Cziko, Gary A., and Nion-Hsuan, Jennifer Lin. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1984 |
531. | The construction and validation of a questionnaire for measuring attitudes towards learning foreign languages. | Roger, Derek., and others. | Educational Review. | 1981 |
532. | The C-Test in English: left-hand deletions. | Cleary, Christopher. | RELC Journal. | 1988 |
533. | The development of a prediction test of performance in foreign language learning. | Novak, Zdenek. | Cizi jazyky ve Skole. | 1974 |
534. | The direct testing of academic writing in a second language. | Low, Graham D. | System. | 1982 |
535. | The discourse co-operation test. | Friel, Michael. | System. | 1984 |
536. | The dynamics of interviewing. | Kahn, Robert L., and Charles F. Cannell. | NewYork: John Wiley and Sons. | 1957 |
537. | The effect of dictionary usage on EFL test performance compared with student and teacher attitudes and expectations. | Bensoussan, Marsha., and others. | Reading in a Foreign Language. | 1984 |
538. | The effect on the cloze test of changes in deletion frequency. | Alderson, J. Charles. | Journal of Research in Reading. | 1979 |
539. | The evaluation and marking of oral performance. | Atze, Charlotte. | Fremdsprachen-unterricht. | 1981 |
540. | The evaluation enterprise. | Meyers, W.A. | San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. | 1981 |
541. | The evaluation of communicative language proficiency: a critique of the ACTFL oral interview. | Bachman, Lyle F., and Sandra J. Savignon. | Modern Language Journal. | 1986 |
542. | The evaluation of in-service teacher training. | Henderson, Euan S. | London: Croom Helm Ltd. | 1978 |
543. | The evaluation of social programmes. | Abt, C.C. (ed.) | Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. | 1976 |
544. | The evaluation of tests of communicative performance. | Morrow, Keith. | Prospect. | 1985 |
545. | The FSI / LR / ACTFL proficiency scales and testing techniques development, current status, and needed research. | Clark, John L.D., and Ray T. Clifford. | Studies in Second Language Acquisition. | 1988 |
546. | The impact of learner variables on language test performance. | Spurling, Steven., and Donna Ilyin. | TESOL Quarterly | 1985 |
547. | The implications for testing of the communicative approach to language teaching. | Carroll, Brendan J. | Studies in Language Learning. | 1982 |
548. | The influence of disc or tape language laboratory equipment on foreign language speaking test scores. | Spencer, Richard E. | Modern Language Journal | 1966 |
549. | The influence of test and sample dimensionality on latent trait person ability and item difficulty calibrations. | Henning, Grant. | Language Testing. | 1988 |
550. | The information gap in placement testing. | Bowker, David. | ELT Journal. | 1984 |
551. | The integration of tests in foreign-language text books. | Duwell, Henning. | Praxis. | 1973 |
552. | The joint dissemination panel idea book. | Tallmadge, G.K. | Mountain View, CA : RMC Research Corporation | 1972 |
553. | The language arts in childhood education. | Paul, C.Burns., and Betty L.Broman. | Chicago: Rand Mc Nally College Publishing Co. | 1975 |
554. | The limits of authenticity in language testing. | Spolsky, Bernard. | Language Testing | 1985 |
555. | The measurement of productive skills: double concerning the assessment criteria of certain public examinations. | Matthews, Margaret. | ELT Journal. | 1990 |
556. | The multiple-choice cloze test as a general language proficiency test. | Jochems, Wim., and Frans Montens. | ITL. | 1988 |
557. | The need for good testing techniques in class room. | Shaulson, Shaul. | ELT Journal | 1979 |
558. | The Pimsleur Battery as a predictor of student performance. | Curtin, Constance., and others. | Modern Language Journal. | 1983 |
559. | The place of dictation in an entrance test battery. | Arnaud, Pierre J.L. | Langues Modernes. | 1986 |
560. | The practice of social research. (2nd ed.) | Babbi, E.R. | Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. | 1979 |
561. | The rational deletion cloze and global comprehension in German. | Markham, Paul L. | Language Learning. | 1985 |
562. | The relation of multiple-choice cloze items to the test of English as a foreign language. | Hale, Gordon A., and others. | Language Testing. | 1989 |
563. | The relationship between anxiety and foreign language oral proficiency ratings. | Young, Dolly J. | Foreign Language Annals | 1986 |
564. | The reliability of two methods of marking oral tests in modern language examinations. | Francis, J.C. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1981 |
565. | The rich get richer and the poor get poorer: a quantitative evaluation of the outcome of a programme for teaching English as a foreign language. | Nevo, Barukh., and others. | System. | 1977 |
566. | The role of aptitude in foreign-language learning in secondary grammar-school pupils. | Nizegorodcew, Anna. | Glottodidactica. | 1980 |
567. | The role of continuous assessment in accelerating learning. | Schlissinger, Jacqueline. | Francais dans le Monde | 1981 |
568. | The role of foreign language aptitude in a model of school learning. | Skehan, Peter. | Language Testing | 1986 |
569. | The sample survey: theory and practice. | Warwick, D.P., and C.A.Lininger. | NewYork : McGraw-Hill | 1975 |
570. | The short-context technique on alternative for testing reading comprehension. | Jafarpur, Abdoljavad. | Language Testing. | 1987 |
571. | The sixth mental measurements year book. | Buros, Oscar Krishen (ed.). | Highland Park, N.J.: The Gryphon Press. | 1965 |
572. | The stability of oral proficiency assessment on the oral interview testing procedures. | Shohamy, Elana. | Language Learning | 1983 |
573. | The sympathetic native speaker-a GCSE role-play for the teacher. | Green, Peter S., and Karlheinz Hecht. | Modern Languages. | 1988 |
574. | The test of aural perception in foreign language teaching from the stand point of information theory. | Zierer, Ernesto. | IRAL | 1971 |
575. | The testing of English writing skills in Dutch secondary schools. | Wesdorp, H. | Levende Talen | 1974 |
576. | The TOEFL: an appraisal. | Traynor, Raymond. | ELT Journal | 1985 |
577. | The trait structure of cloze test scores. | Bachman, Lyle F. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1982 |
578. | The USC proficiency-based programme in foreign language instruction methods and their effects on achievement and motivation. | Smith, Karen L. | Unterrichtspraxis | 1984 |
579. | The use of role-play tasks in assessing FL communicative performance. | Mitchell, Rosamund. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1985 |
580. | The use of situation tests as measures of communicative ability. | Raffaldini, Tina. | Studies in Second Language Acquisition. | 1988 |
581. | Three new tests for overerseas students entering post-graduate and vocational training courses. | Williams, K.L. | ELT Journal | 1990 |
582. | To be an explainer: a reporting test of oral proficiency. | Sunderland, Jane., and Zhang Yixing., and et al. | ELT Journal | 1988 |
583. | Towards a practice-centred programme for the training and evaluation of foreign language teachers. | Politizer, Robert L. | Modern Language Journal. | 1966 |
584. | Towards a science of question setting in the GCSE. | Parington, John. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1988 |
585. | Towards an authentic discourse cloze. | Deyes, Tony. | Applied Linguistics. | 1984 |
586. | Towards an English language sufficiency test. | Yule, G. | ELT Journal | 1980 |
587. | Towards better questions (Item writers cook book). | Association of Indian Universities. | New Delhi: AIU Publications. | 1984 |
588. | Towards objectivity in group oral testing. | Folland, David., and David Robertson. | ELT Journal. | 1976 |
589. | Towards reform of programme evaluation. | Cronbach, L.J., and others. | San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. | 1980 |
590. | Towards the measurement of functional proficiency: contextualisation of the noise test. | Gaies, Stephen J., and others. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1977 |
591. | Translation and testing. | Viswanatham, K. | Tamil civilization | 1988 |
592. | Translation as a test-form in the state examination for prospective teachers. | Klein-Braley, Christine. | Neusprachliche Mitteilungen. | 1982 |
593. | Translation as a Testing device. | Matthews-Bresky, R.J.H. | ELT Journal. | 1972 |
594. | T-unit analysis in second language research: applications, problems and limitations. | Gaies, Stephen J. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1980 |
595. | Two methods of testing comprehension. | Smithies, Michael. | ELT Journal | 1976 |
596. | Understanding and conducting research: applications in education and the behavioral sciences. | Mason, E.J., and W.J.Bramble. | NewYork: McGraw-Hill. | 1978 |
597. | Unobtrusive measures: Non-reactive research in the social sciences. | Webb, E., D. Campbell., and et al. | Chicago : Rand McNally | 1966 |
598. | Using cloze procedure as an overall language proficiency test. | Aitken, Kenneth G. | TESOL Quarterly. | 1977 |
599. | Using multiple-choice tests to promote homogeneity of class ability levels in large EGP and ESP programmes. | Mason, Victor W. | System. | 1984 |
600. | Using the language laboratory to test linguistic performance and communicative ability. | Norrish, Norma. | System. | 1978 |
601. | Validating three tests of English-language proficiency. | Davies, Alan. | Language Testing. | 1984 |
602. | Validation of listening comprehension tests using item response theory. | de Jong, John H.A.L., and C.A.W. Glas. | Language Testing. | 1987 |
603. | Validity in proficiency testing. | Moller, Alan. | ELT Documents. | 1975 |
604. | What does it mean to know how to use a language: An essay on the theoretical basis of language testing. | Spolsky, Bernard. | Language Testing | 1985 |
605. | What Queens English do universities accept? | James, A.J., et al. | Times Higher Education Supplement. | 1977 |
606. | When are cloze items sensitive to constraints across sentences? | Chavez-Oller, Mary Anne., and others. | Language Learning. | 1985 |
607. | Where is the 16+ leading us? | Byram, Michael. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1982 |
608. | Why are we interested in general language proficiency? | Vollmer, Helmet J. | ELT Documents | 1981 |
609. | Writing English language tests: a practical guide for teachers of English as a second or foreign language. | Heaton, J.B. | London: Longman Group Ltd. | 1975 |
610. | Writing in the GCSE - modern languages. | Roy, Marie-Jose. | British Journal of Language Teaching. | 1988 |
611. | Written tests of pronunciation: do they work? | Buck, Gary. | ELT Journal. | 1989 |