Illusttrative Example - 1
Instruction to the Teacher/ Test Administrator: (to be filled if needed)
Instruction to the Student/Examinee:
Fill in the blanks before the nouns by selecting the suitable pronouns listed bellow.
Question item:
Scoring procedure:Enumerative
Language input:Human and non human pronouns
Objective(Q.W.I):To test the mastery pronouns the forms function of pronouns.
Name of the item format : Subjective - Cn
Administering mode :Written
General Educational Level: L1-Middle(5-7); L2-Intermediate
Rationale :
The mastery over the form / functions of pronoun is tested at indentification level.
Illusttrative Example - 2
Instruction to the Teacher/ Test Administrator: (to be filled if needed)
Instruction to the Student/Examinee:
Fill in the blank with suitable choice.
Question item:
Scoring procedure:Enumerative
Language input:Case
Objective(Q.W.I):To test the function of case.
Name of the item format : Objective - MC
Administering mode :Written
General Educational Level: L1-Primary(1-4); L2-Basic
Rationale :
The mastery over the function of case is tested at indentification level.