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Updated on 12-05-2010
Language Proficiency

Volumes on this focus on the concept of Tests of Language Proficiency and are available in 14 major Indian Languages. They consist of innovatively cultivated item resources on a variety of content areas applicable for secondary (Std. X) level of general education. They are presented under seven broad categories of which the following five have been provided with examples: Reading Comprehension (main idea, direct information, sequence, cause and effect, inference, and vocabulary), Lexical Skills (lexical meaning, contextual meaning, synonyms, and antonyms), Structure (sequence completion, error detection, sentence comprehension, transformation, and formal grammar), Writing and Composition (spelling, idioms and proverbs, precis writing, text organization, letter writing and composition), Listening Comprehension (passages). Specifications needed for the remaining categories viz., Speaking and General (language related) Information, have been left to the decision of item writers in view of their familiarity with those categories. Tests of required length and time can be constructed from these resources to assess language proficiency for such purposes as job selection, and training. Teachers, learners, and evaluators of language education will find these works very useful.

  Common Contents

1. Reading Comprehension, 2. Lexical Skill, 3. Structure of Language, 4. Writing & Composition, 5. Listening Comprehension 6. Speaking (Optional) 7. General Language related Information (Optional) Continued...

  Recommended Guidelines

The National Workshop on 'Preparation of Tests in Indian Languages' was held under the auspices of Central institute of Indian Languages, Mysore at the Eastern Regional Language Centre, Continued...


(Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Sindhi (Devanagari Script), Sindhi (Arabic Script), Tamil, Telugu, Urdu)


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