A centralised mechanism being created to cater to the Indian
language evaluation requirements of the country.
It is a comprehensive, unified, and easily justifiable
system of content resources for designing tests of mastery and personality.
Provides a global coverage of language, literature, and
person growth, with expertise drawn from a number of
renowned linguists, litterateurs, and educational psychologists.
The scope of testing in all its dimensions as proposed
by educationists is for the first time, extended to language & literature.
An approach for developing sampling error-freegraded modules
for teaching as well as testing at all the seven levels of general education.
This website was launchedon 13.7.2006 at 3:30 pm by
Shri S.Mohan,
Director (Finance),
Department of Secondary and Higher Education, MHRD, New Delhi.
The function was presided over by
Prof.Udaya Narayana Singh, Director
CIIL, Mysore.
The details of website were demonstrated by
Dr. Pon Subbiah, Prof.-cum-Deputy Director
Head, CT & E, CIIL, Mysore.
Vote of thanks by
Dr. M. Balakumar, Faculty
CT & E, CIIL, Mysore.
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(Ministry of HRD, Deptartment of Higher Education, Government of India) Manasagangotri, MYSORE - 570 006 INDIA